0 "Gulim" 1 "Warning!!! Continued attempts at hacking will result in a permanent account(%s) ban!!" 2 "FindHack file is damaged. Please reinstall MU client." 3 "You have been disconnected from the server." 4 "Install the latest graphics card driver. " 5 "[error1] Hacking or computer virus test has not been completely finished. V3 or Birobot by Hawoori Corp. is needed to finish the test." 6 "[error2] The hacking tool checking program has not been successfully downloaded. Please try connecting again in a moment. \n\n If you continue to experience the same problem, feel free to contact our customer service center through our website at http://muonline.webzen.com" 7 "[error3] NPX.DLL registration error, required files are missing for running nProtect. Please download np_setup.exe from Muonline.\n\n If you continue to experience the same problem, please contact our customer service center through our website at http://muonline.webzen.com." 8 "[error4] An error has occurred in the program. \n\n If you continue to experience the same problem, please contact our customer service center through our website at http://muonline.webzen.com" 9 "[error5] User has selected the exit button." 10 "[error6] No.%d error!!! Findhack.zip needs to be installed in MU folder." 11 "Data error" 12 "[error7] Certain files connected to findhack are missing. Install findhack.exe from Muonline." 13 "Upgrade has failed. Please restart the game." 14 "Game will now restart in order to complete the upgrade." 15 "[error8] Failed connecting to Findhack updating server. If this problem continues to occur, install findhack.exe from Muonline.com utility download page." 16 "[error9] A hacking tool has been found. If you are not using a hacking tool, contact our customer service center through our website at support.http://muonline.webzen.com" 17 "[error10] Cannot be written on the registry. Can cause an expected malfunction." 18 "Gulim" 19 "Event" 20 "Dark Wizard" 21 "Dark Knight" 22 "Elf" 23 "Magic Gladiator" 24 "Dark Lord" 25 "Soul Master" 26 "Blade Knight" 27 "Muse Elf" 28 "Reserve : Job" 29 "Reserve : Job" 30 "Lorencia" 31 "Dungeon" 32 "Devias" 33 "Noria" 34 "Lost Tower" 35 "A place of exile" 36 "Arena" 37 "Atlans" 38 "Tarkan" 39 "Devil Square" 40 "One-Handed Damage" 41 "Two-Handed Damage" 42 "Wizardry Damage" 43 "Very Slow" 44 "Slow" 45 "Normal" 46 "Fast" 47 "Very Fast" 48 "Ice" 49 "Poison" 50 "Lightning" 51 "Fire" 52 "Earth" 53 "Wind" 54 "Water" 55 "Icarus" 56 "Blood Castle" 57 "Chaos Castle" 58 "Kalima" 59 "Land of Trials" 60 "Cannot be equipped by %s" 61 "Can be equipped by %s" 62 "Purchase Price: %s" 63 "Selling Price: %s" 64 "Attack Speed: %d" 65 "Defense: %d" 66 "Spell resistance: %d" 67 "Defense rate: %d" 68 "Moving speed: %d" 69 "Number of items: %d" 70 "Life: %d" 71 "Durability: [%d/%d]" 72 "%s Resistance: %d" 73 "Strength Requirement: %d" 74 "(lacking %d)" 75 "Agility Requirement: %d" 76 "Minimum Level Requirement: %d" 77 "Available Energy: %d" 78 "Increases moving speed" 79 "Wizardry Damage %d%% rise" 80 "Defend Skill (Mana: %d)" 81 "Falling Slash Skill (Mana: %d)" 82 "Lunge Skill (Mana: %d)" 83 "Uppercut Skill (Mana: %d)" 84 "Cyclone Cutting Skill (Mana: %d)" 85 "Slashing Skill (Mana: %d)" 86 "Triple Shot Skill (Mana: %d)" 87 "Luck (Success rate increase +10%%)" 88 "Additional damage +%d" 89 "Additional wizardry damage +%d" 90 "Additional defense rate +%d" 91 "Additional defense +%d" 92 "Automatic life recovery %d%%" 93 "Swimming speed increase" 94 "Luck (Critical damage rate +5%%)" 95 "Durability: [%d]" 96 "Can only be used in moving unit" 97 "Skill Power: %d ~ %d" 98 "Power Slash Skill (Mana: %d)" 99 "Combo" 100 "Zen" 101 "Heart" 102 "Jewel" 103 "Transformation Ring" 104 "Chaos Event Gift Certificate" 105 "Star of Sacred Birth" 106 "Firecracker" 107 "Heart of love" 108 "Olive of love" 109 "Silver medal" 110 "Gold medal" 111 "Box of Heaven" 112 "When you drop it on the ground, " 113 "[Rena/Zen/Jewel/Item]" 114 "you will get one of the above items." 115 "Box of Kundun" 116 "Anniversary Box" 117 "Heart of Dark Lord" 118 "Moon Cookie" 119 "You can register by giving it to the NPC" 120 "Key Function" 121 "F1 : Help On/Off" 122 "F2 : Chat window on/off" 123 "F3 : Whisper Mode window on/off" 124 "F4 : Adjust Chat Window size" 125 "Enter: Chatting Mode" 126 "C : Character Info" 127 "I,V : Inventory " 128 "P : Party Window" 129 "G : Guild Window" 130 "Q : Use Healing Potion" 131 "W : Use Mana Potion" 132 "E : Use Antidote" 133 "Shift: Character lockup key" 134 "Ctrl+Num: Set hot keys for skills" 135 "Num: Use skill hot keys" 136 "Alt: Show dropped items" 137 "Alt+items: Select items in primary order" 138 "Ctrl+Click: PvP mode, attack other players" 139 "Print Screen: Save screenshots" 140 "Chatting Instructions" 141 "Tab: switch to the ID window" 142 "Right click on msg: Whispering ID" 143 "Up/Down: View Chatting History" 144 "PageUP, PageDN: Scroll Message" 145 "~ : Message to party members" 146 "@ : Message to guild members" 147 "@> : Posting to guild members" 148 "# : Make message appear longer" 149 "/trade(pointing player): trade" 150 "/party(pointing player): form a party" 151 "/guild(pointing player): form a guild" 152 "/war : Declare Guild War" 153 "/: item info" 154 "/warp : Warp to another world" 155 "/filter word1 word2: View Chats with word" 156 "Move cursor down-> Adjust chat window" 157 "Warp to the corresponding area after %d seconds" 158 "%s Warp scroll" 159 "Item option info" 160 "Item info" 161 "LV" 162 "ATK Dmg" 163 "WIZ Dmg" 164 "DEF" 165 "DEF rate" 166 "Strength" 167 "AGI" 168 "Energy" 169 "Stamina" 170 "Wizardry Damage: %d~%d" 171 "Healing: %d" 172 "Defensive Ability Increase: %d" 173 "Offensive Ability Increase: %d" 174 "Range: %d" 175 "Mana: %d" 176 "+Skill" 177 "+Option" 178 "+Luck" 179 "Knight specific skill" 180 "Guild" 181 "Do you wish to be the guild master?" 182 "NAME" 183 "After selecting a color with" 184 "the mouse, please draw." 185 "Type /guild in front of " 186 "the guild master you want to join" 187 "and you can join the guild." 188 "Disband" 189 "Leave" 190 "Party" 191 "Type /party with the mouse cursor on" 192 "the player you would like" 193 "to create a party with" 194 "and you can create" 195 "a party with them." 196 "You can share more Exp with " 197 "your party members based on level." 198 "Cost" 199 "Spare Points: %d / %d" 200 "Level: %d" 201 "Exp : %u/%u" 202 "Strength: %d" 203 "Damage (Rate): %d~%d (%d)" 204 "Damage: %d~%d" 205 "Agility: %d" 206 "Defense (Rate): %d (%d +%d)" 207 "Defense: %d (+%d)" 208 "Defense (Rate): %d (%d)" 209 "Defense: %d" 210 "Vitality: %d" 211 "Life: %d / %d" 212 "Energy: %d" 213 "Mana: %d / %d" 214 "A G: %d / %d" 215 "Wizardry Damage: %d~%d (+%d)" 216 "Wizardry Damage: %d~%d" 217 "Point: %d" 218 "Explanation" 219 "[Zen available to be exchanged to Rena]" 220 "Close Guild Window (G)" 221 "Close Party Window (P)" 222 "Close Character Info Window (C)" 223 "Inventory" 224 "Zen" 225 "Close (I,V)" 226 "Trade" 227 "Zen Trade" 228 "OK" 229 "Cancel" 230 "Merchant" 231 "Buy (B)" 232 "Sell (S)" 233 "Repair (L)" 234 "Storage" 235 "Deposit" 236 "Withdraw" 237 "Repair all (A)" 238 "Repairing cost: %s" 239 "Repair all" 240 "open" 241 "close" 242 "Warehouse Lock/Unlock" 243 "Registering Rena" 244 "Selecting Lucky number" 245 "Number of Rena you have collected" 246 "Number of Registered Rena" 247 "Lucky number" 248 "/Battle" 249 "/Battle Soccer" 250 "Arrows reloaded" 251 "No more arrows" 252 "Storage must be closed to warp" 253 "Your level must be over %d to warp" 254 "/guild" 255 "You are already in a guild" 256 "/party" 257 "You are already in a party" 258 "/exchange" 259 "/trade" 260 "/warp" 261 "You cannot go to Atlans while riding a Unicorn" 262 "You can enter Altans only after joining a party." 263 "You can enter Icarus only with wings, dinorant, fenrirr" 264 "/whisper off" 265 "/whisper on" 266 "Storage fee" 267 "Whisper function is now off" 268 "Whisper function is now on" 269 "You are not allowed to drop this expensive item" 270 "Hello" 271 "Hi" 272 "Welcome" 273 "Welcome" 274 "Thanks" 275 "Thanks" 276 "Thanks" 277 "Thanks" 278 "enjoy the game" 279 "Bye" 280 "bye" 281 "Good" 282 "Good" 283 "Wow" 284 "Wow" 285 "Nice" 286 "Nice" 287 "Here" 288 "Here" 289 "Come" 290 "Come" 291 "come on" 292 "There" 293 "There" 294 "That" 295 "That" 296 "Not" 297 "Not" 298 "Never" 299 "Never" 300 "Do not" 301 "Do not" 302 "do not" 303 "Sorry" 304 "Sorry" 305 "Sorry" 306 "Sad" 307 "Sad" 308 "Cry" 309 "Cry" 310 "Huh" 311 "Pooh" 312 "Haha" 313 "Hehe" 314 "Hoho" 315 "Hoho" 316 "Hihi" 317 "Great" 318 "Great" 319 "Oh Yeah" 320 "Oh yeah" 321 "beat it" 322 "Win" 323 "Win" 324 "Victory" 325 "Victory" 326 "Sleep" 327 "Sleep" 328 "Tired" 329 "Tired" 330 "Cold" 331 "Cold" 332 "hurt" 333 "hurt" 334 "hurt" 335 "Again" 336 "Again" 337 "OK" 338 "Great" 339 "Respect" 340 "Respect" 341 "Defeated" 342 "Sir" 343 "Sir" 344 "Rush" 345 "Rush" 346 "Go go" 347 "Go go" 348 "Look around" 349 "/mu" 350 "Only characters over level %d can enter." 351 "Arrows: %d (%d)" 352 "Bolts: %d (%d)" 353 "Guardian Angel" 354 "Dinorant" 355 "Uniria" 356 "Summoned Monster" 357 "Exp: %d/%d" 358 "Life: %d / %d" 359 "Mana: %d / %d" 360 "A G: %d" 361 "Party (P)" 362 "Character (C)" 363 "Inventory (I,V)" 364 "Guild (G)" 365 "Notice! Please check out" 366 "the level of the player " 367 "and the items before trading." 368 "Level" 369 "About %d" 370 "Warning!" 371 "The levels and options of some items" 372 "have been changed in trade." 373 "Please check whether the item is" 374 "the same item that you want to trade." 375 "Inventory is full." 376 "Do you want to use the fruit?" 377 "(%s) stat %d points have been generated." 378 "stat creation failed from fruit combination." 379 "(%s fruit) stat %d points have been %s." 380 "You will exit game in %d seconds." 381 "Exit Game" 382 "Select Server" 383 "Switch Character" 384 "Cancel" 385 "Option" 386 "Automatic Attack" 387 "Beep sound for whispering" 388 "Close" 389 "Volume" 390 "Type more than 4 letters" 391 "Cannot use symbols." 392 "Restricted words are" 393 "included." 394 "Invalid character name" 395 "or name supplied already exists." 396 "No more characters can be created." 397 "If you would like to remove %s" 398 "you must enter your vault password." 399 "You cannot delete characters" 400 "over level 40." 401 "The password you have entered is incorrect." 402 "You are disconnected from the server." 403 "Enter your account" 404 "Enter your password" 405 "New version of game is required" 406 "Please download the new version" 407 "Password is incorrect" 408 "Connection error" 409 "Connection closed due to 3 failed attempts." 410 "Your individual subscription term is over." 411 "Your individual subscription time is over." 412 "Subscription term is over on your IP." 413 "Subscription time is over on your IP." 414 "Your account is invalid" 415 "Your account is already connected" 416 "The server is full" 417 "This account is blocked" 418 "%s" 419 "would like to trade with you." 420 "Enter the amount of Zen you would like to deposit." 421 "Enter the amount of Zen you would like to withdraw." 422 "Enter the amount of Zen you would like to trade." 423 "You are short of Zen." 424 "You can not trade over 50 million Zen at once" 425 "Someone requests you to join their a party" 426 "Please draw your guild emblem" 427 "If you want to leave your guild," 428 "Please enter your WEBZEN.COM password." 429 "You have received an offer to join a guild." 430 "%s guild challenges you" 431 "to a Guild War." 432 "You have been challenged to Battle Soccer" 433 "No charge info" 434 "This is a blocked character" 435 "Only players age 18 and over are permitted to connect to this server" 436 "This account is item blocked." 437 "Please check on http://muonline.webzen.com site" 438 "You cannot remove your character since the guild cannot be removed" 439 "The character is item blocked" 440 "Incorrect password" 441 "Inventory is already locked" 442 "it is not allowed to use same 4 numbers" 443 "if you want to lock the inventory," 444 "Please enter your WEBZEN.COM password." 445 "Password is incorrect" 446 "No more stats would be increased on your level." 447 "Agree with the above agreement" 448 "Do you want to move your account into the divided server?" 449 "Dissolve or leave your guild" 450 "Account" 451 "Password" 452 "Connect" 453 "Exit" 454 "(c) Copyright 2001 Webzen" 455 " All Rights Reserved." 457 "Operation" 458 "WEBZEN" 459 "%s: Screenshot Saved" 460 "[%s-%d(Non-PvP) Server]" 461 "[%s-%d Server]" 462 "1)After moving your account into the divided server," 463 "you can not move your account back to the previous server." 464 "2)After moving your account into the divided server," 465 "all the character info and items under your account" 466 "will move into the divided server" 467 "when you login the divided server." 468 "3)After moving your account into the divided server" 469 "game will be automatically closed" 470 "Connecting to the server" 471 "Please wait" 472 "Verifying your account" 473 "Please wait" 474 "You cannot use your items while using the vault or while trading." 475 "You have requested %s to trade." 476 "You have requested %s to join your party." 477 "You have requested %s to join your guild." 478 "You can use the trade command at character level 6" 479 "You can use the whisper command at character level 6" 480 "Tied!!!" 481 "You are connected to the server" 482 "No users" 483 "[Notice for guild members] %s" 484 "Welcome to " 485 "Of" 486 "Obtained %d Exp" 487 "Hero" 488 "Commoner" 489 "Outlaw Warning" 490 "1st Stage Outlaw" 491 "2nd Stage Outlaw" 492 "Your trade has been canceled." 493 "You cannot trade right now." 494 "These items cannot be traded." 495 "Your trade has been canceled because your inventory is full." 496 "Trade request is canceled" 497 "Creating a party has failed." 498 "Your request has been denied." 499 "Party is full." 500 "The user has left the game." 501 "The user is already in another party." 502 "You have just left the party." 503 "Guild master has refused your request to join the guild." 504 "You have just joined the guild." 505 "The guild is full." 506 "The user has left the game." 507 "The user is not a guild master." 508 "You cannot join more than one guild." 509 "The guild master is too busy to approve your request to join the guild" 510 "Chracters over level 6 can join a guild." 511 "The password you have entered is incorrect." 512 "You have left the guild." 513 "Only a guild master can disband a guild." 514 "You have failed from the guild" 515 "The guild has been dissolved" 516 "The guild name already exists" 517 "Guild name must be at least 4 characters" 518 "You are already in a guild." 519 "That guild does not exist." 520 "You have declared a Guild War." 521 "The opposing guild master is not in the game." 522 "That guild does not exist." 523 "You can not declare a Guild War now." 524 "Only guild masters can declare a Guild War." 525 "Your request for a Guild War is refused." 526 "A Guild War against %s guild has started!" 527 "You have lost the Guild War!!!" 528 "You have won the Guild War!!!" 529 "You have won the Guild War!!!(Opposing guild master left)" 530 "You have lost the Guild War!!!(Guild master left)" 531 "You have won the Guild War!!!(Opposing guild disbanded)" 532 "You have lost the Guild War!!!(Guild disbanded)" 533 "A Battle Soccer has started with %s guild." 534 "%s guild wins a point." 535 "The level gap between you two has to be less than 130" 536 "An expensive item!" 537 "Check the item please" 538 "Are you sure you want to sell it?" 539 "Do you want to combine your items?" 540 "Valhalla" 541 "Helheim" 542 "Midgard" 543 "Kara" 544 "Lamu" 545 "Nacal" 546 "Rasa" 547 "Rance" 548 "Tarh" 549 "Uz" 550 "Moz" 551 "Lunen(Maya2)" 552 "Siren" 553 "Ion(Wigle2)" 554 "Milon(Bahr2)" 555 "Muren(Kara2)" 556 "Luga(Lamu2)" 557 "Titan" 558 "Elca" 559 "test" 560 "Now preparing" 561 "(Full)" 562 "Connect" 563 "The TEST server is intended for testing," 564 "therefore, data loss may occur." 565 "Since Helheim server " 566 "tends to be crowded" 567 "we recommend that you use other servers." 568 "guild member has been withdrawn." 569 "You cannot warp while riding on a unicorn" 570 "Pwned by the Filter!" 571 "Throw it and you may receive some Zen or items" 572 "It is used to increase your item level up to 6" 573 "It is used to increase your item level up to 7,8,9" 574 "It is used to combine Chaos items" 575 "Absorb 30%% of damage" 576 "Increase 30%% of attacking & wizardry damage" 577 "Increase %d%% of Damage" 578 "Absorb %d%% of Damage" 579 "Increase speed" 580 "You are lack of %s items." 581 "Combine items after organizing your inventory." 582 "Skill Damage: %d%%" 583 "Chaos" 584 "%s Success rate: %d%%" 585 "%s Required Zen: %s" 586 "when %s, You must have a Jewel of Chaos" 587 "in order to combine items" 588 "in case you fail on" 589 "Please note that" 590 "the level of items decreases" 591 "Combining" 592 "Exit game after closing the Chaos interface." 593 "Close inventory after moving your items in the inventory." 594 "Chaos combination has failed" 595 "Chaos combination has succeeded" 596 "Not enough Zen to combine items" 597 "Point - no more dates" 598 "Point - no more points left" 599 "Your IP is not allowed to connect" 600 "Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level" 601 "Improper items for combination" 602 "Chaos combination" 603 "create a ticket of Devil Square" 604 "Create +10 item" 605 "Create +11 item" 606 "During creation of +10 ~ +15 items," 607 "notice that there is a possibility" 608 "that you may lose the items." 609 "Conversation is over" 610 "Notice that when you fail to combine the items" 611 "you can lose the items" 612 "Create Dinorant" 613 "Create Fruit" 614 "Create Wings" 615 "Create cloak of Invisibility" 616 "Reserve: Chaos expansion combination" 617 "Reserve: Chaos expansion combination" 618 "Create Set Item" 619 "Used to create fruits that increase stats" 620 "Excellent" 621 "Increases item option by 1 level" 622 "Increase maximum life +4%%" 623 "Increase maximum mana +4%%" 624 "Damage decrease +4%%" 625 "Reflect damage +5%%" 626 "Defense success rate +10%%" 627 "Increases zen drop rate +30%%" 628 "Excellent damage rate +10%%" 629 "Increase damage +level/20" 630 "Increase damage +%d%%" 631 "Increase wizardry damage +level/20" 632 "Increase wizardry damage +%d%%" 633 "Increase attacking (wizardry) speed +%d" 634 "Increases recovery life after hunting monsters +life/8" 635 "Increases recovery mana after hunting monsters +mana/8" 636 "Increases 1~3 stat points" 637 "It is used to combine items for a Devil Square Invitation" 638 "The remaining time is shown" 639 "when you right click on your mouse." 640 "You will enter Devil Square (%d seconds from now)" 641 "The gate of Devil Square will close down in %d seconds" 642 "The gate of Devil Square is closing down (%d seconds remaining)" 643 "You can enter Devil Square now!!" 644 "Devil Square will open in %d minutes." 645 "The %d Square (%d-%d level)" 646 "The %d Square (Over %d level)" 647 "Congratulations!" 648 "%s, Your bravery is proven in Devil Square." 649 "Must be over level 10 to combine the invitation to Devil Square." 650 "Rumor has it that recently monsters have been wandering around Noria. I thought those creatures only existed as part of a legend... I wonder what could have brought them here." 651 "If you want to find out about the Devil Square, go meet Charon in Noria" 652 "The Devil Square is a place where warriors prove their courage. Qualified warriors will be given the Devil invitation. Go to the Chaos Goblin in Noria with the Devil eye, Devil key, Jewel of Chaos and enough Zen." 653 "You have come too soon. You may be able to enter the Devil Square if you wait for your time and revisit later." 654 "Some say that the Devil eyes have been found on some monsters on the MU continent. Try to hunt as many monsters as possible to get Devil eyes. If you get one, go meet Charon in Noria." 655 "Many adventurers and warriors are crowding into Devil Square to prove their courage. Warrior, are you on your way to Devil Square?" 656 "Do not you want to prove that you are the bravest of the bravest. Opportunity lies ahead of you. If you get the Devil Eye and Key, you will be one step closer to that opportunity." 657 "Thousands of years ago, the Devil Eye and Key had once existed in the MU Continent and disappeared. But now they can be seen all over the continent. Go and find them, and bring them to the Chaos Goblin in Noria" 658 "Are you looking for the Devil Eye too? The Devil Eye can be found on most monsters on the MU continent. If God is with you, you will be able to find what you seek." 659 "Bring me the Devil Eye, Devil's Key, and a Jewel of Chaos. The Devil's invitation will be granted to you only after you bring me those three items." 660 "You've brought the Devil's treasure! May the Goddess of fortune be with you so you may find treasure that suits your needs." 661 "Finally, the gate of Devil Square has opened again. Charon the gate keeper will allow you to enter Devil Square" 662 "Many adventurers are looking for the Devil's Eye and Key. You need both of them to receive a ticket that will get you into Devil Square." 663 "Only level above %d can do the Chaos Combination." 664 "+%d Item creation" 665 "+12 Item creation" 666 "+13 Item creation" 667 "These items cannot be stored in the inventory." 668 "These items cannot be traded." 669 "Valley of Loren" 670 "You've been given a chance to prove your bravery." 671 "No one has ever entered the Devil Square yet." 672 "No human has ever gone there." 673 "Do not believe anything you see in there." 674 "Only trust your bravery and strength" 675 "Only your bravery and strength will keep you alive." 676 "Enter a new character name." 677 "Bring the Devil's invitation to enter." 678 "You've come too late to enter the Devil Square." 679 "Devil Square is full." 680 "Rank" 681 "Character" 682 "point" 683 "EXP" 684 "Reward" 685 "My Info" 686 "You're underestimating yourself. Choose another square." 687 "If you wish to stay alive, choose another square." 688 "/Firecracker" 689 "Must be over level 15 to combine a Cloak of Invisibility." 690 "Password Verification" 691 "Enter your WEBZEN.COM password." 692 "Unlock Vault" 693 "Choose new password" 694 "Verify new password" 695 "Choose 4 digits for password" 696 "Enter password again" 697 "Enter your WEBZEN.COM password" 698 "Available command: %d" 699 "Proceed with quest" 700 "October 28 ~ November 11, 2010" 701 "Register the sign in game" 702 "Visit our homepage" 703 "To be able to join." 704 "The event." 705 "Rena registered at the Golden Archer" 706 "can be exchanged into Zen" 707 "June 17th ~ July 8th" 708 "1 Rena = 3,000 Zen" 709 "Rena Exchange" 710 "The season of blessing has come and the Golden Archer who collects Rena has appeared on the MU continent. If you take 10 Rena to the Golden Archer who stands in front of Lorencia, he will tell you a story about himself." 711 "'Rena' is a type of gold coin that was used in the world of Heaven which had existed before the MU continent. If you bring Rena to the Golden Archer in front of Lorencia, he will give you a number of Lugard, the God of the world of Heaven." 712 "After the ressurection of Kundun, some monsters have taken possession of what is called the Box of Heaven. If you find Rena in the box, bring it to the Golden Archer in front of Lorencia. It is said that he tells a story to those who bring 10 Renas." 713 "You've brought 10 Rena. As a token of my appreciation, I will tell you a bit about Rena. Rena is made of a type of golden metal that doesn't exist in MU. Scholars have discovered through their studies that Rena comes from the world of Heaven." 714 "Rena embodies a very strong power source of mana and it is said that ancient wizards used to create powerful spells with Rena. While studying the world of Heaven, 'Etramu', the greatest wizard of ancient times, created un unbreakable magic metal called 'Secromicon' with the Rena that he had accidentally discovered." 715 "After then, scholars of MU studying Etramu discovered that the world of Heaven had actually existed and tried to solve the secret of the world of Heaven through Rena." 716 "But through constant war, all the Rena had disappeared and the studies couldn't be continued. I've tried to find Rena to solve the secret of the world of Heaven all my life." 717 "After the resurrection of Kundun, I've discovered that some monsters on the continent surprisingly possessed the box of heaven. I don't know what Kundun exactly has in mind but one thing I'm sure is that Kundun is trying to use the power of Rena." 718 "Before Kundun finds Rena hidden in Mu, we have to find them and figure out the secret and the origin of the power." 719 "June 7-8, 'MU Level UP 2003' event will be held in Coex Mall." 720 "An event solving the secret of heaven will be held from June 7th to 8th" 721 "Bring Rena from the box of heaven." 722 "When you bring 10 Rena, you will be given a number blessed by Lugard." 723 "You can exchange the registered Rena to Zen" 724 "The Golden Archer will stay at Lorencia until July 8th to exchange Rena to Zen" 725 "Are you throwing Rena on the ground? Rena may be of little use in this world, but it can be exchanged to Zen by the Golden Archer." 726 "Ryan, the maid of the bar in Lorencia, says that Rena can be exchanged into Zen. Go see the Golden Archer if you have any Rena." 727 "'Rena' is a type of coin that used to be used in the world of Heaven eons ago. It can't be used in this world, but if you go to the 'Golden Archer' in Lorencia, he'll exhange it to Zen." 728 "Loren (New)" 729 "Loren is the name of a kingdom of advanced sword masters and home to many renowned Dark Knights." 730 "Quest Item" 731 "Cannot store in vault." 732 "Cannot be traded." 733 "Cannot be sold." 734 "Select method of combination" 735 "Regular Combination" 736 "Chaos Weapon Combination" 737 "Master Level" 738 "Summon" 739 "Max HP +%d increased" 740 "HP +%d increased" 741 "Mana +%d increased" 742 "Ignore opponent's defensive power +%d%%" 743 "Max AG +%d increased" 744 "Absorb %d%% additional damage" 745 "Raid Skill (Mana: %d)" 746 "Parrying 10%% increased" 747 "You have exchanged Dinorants" 748 "Used to upgrade wings" 749 "Must be over level 10 to use fruits" 750 "Chat display On/Off (F2)" 751 "Size Adjustment (F4)" 752 "Transparency Adjustment" 753 "/filter" 754 "filter word" 755 "Filtering has been activated" 756 "Filtering has been canceled" 757 "Reserve: Chat Window" 758 "Reserve: Chat Window" 759 "Reserve: Chat Window" 760 "Server Migration Error : Please contact a customer service representative." 761 "[error21] Try running the game again. If the same error occurs again, reinstall the game." 762 "[error22] Try running the game again." 763 "[error23] Try running the game again. If the same error occurs again, reinstall the game." 764 "[error24] An error has occured. Please reinstall the game." 765 "[error25] A hacking tool (%s) has been detected. The game will shut down." 766 "[error26] A hacking tool (%s) has been detected. The game will shut down." 767 "[error27] A file is missing. Please reinstall the game." 768 "[error28] An important file has been corrupted. Please reinstall the game." 769 "[error29] An important file has been corrupted. Please reinstall the game." 770 "[error30] A file is missing. Please reinstall the game." 771 "[error31] An error has occured. Please restart the game." 772 "[error32] A game file has been corrupted." 773 "Reserve : MFGS" 774 "Reserve : MFGS" 775 "Reserve : MFGS" 776 "Reserve : MFGS" 777 "Reserve : MFGS" 778 "Reserve : MFGS" 779 "Reserve : MFGS" 780 "/Scissor" 781 "/Rock" 782 "/Paper" 783 "Hustle" 784 "Reserver : Emoticon" 785 "Reserver : Emoticon" 786 "Reserver : Emoticon" 787 "Reserver : Emoticon" 788 "Reserver : Emoticon" 789 "Reserver : Emoticon" 790 "[error1001] : Try restarting the game." 791 "[error1002] : Can't connect to nProtect. Please restart the game." 792 "[error1003-%d] : If the same error continues to occur, contact our customer support from our website at http://muonline.webzen.com with the error number and erl files in the GameGuard folder attached." 793 "[error1004] : A speed hack has been detected. The game will shut down." 794 "[error1005] : Game hack (%d) detected. The game will shut down." 795 "[error1006] : Either you have run the game multiple times or the GameGuard is already running. Please close the game and try restarting it." 796 "[error1007] : An illegal program has been detected. Please shut down unnecessary programs and restart the game." 797 "[error1008] : Window's system files have been partially corrupted. Try re installing the Internet Explorer(IE)." 798 "[error1009] : GameGuard has failed to run. Try reinstalling the GameGuard setup file." 799 "[error1010] : The game or GameGuard has been altered." 800 "[error1011-%d] : If the same error continues to occur, send an email to gameguard@inca.co.kr with the error number and erl files in the GameGuard folder attached." 801 "Reserve : GameGuard" 802 "Reserve : GameGuard" 803 "Reserve : GameGuard" 804 "Reserve : GameGuard" 805 "Reserve : GameGuard" 806 "Reserve : GameGuard" 807 "Reserve : GameGuard" 808 "Reserve : GameGuard" 809 "Absolute Weapon of Archangel" 810 "Stone" 811 "Absolute Staff of Archangel" 812 "Absolute Sword of Archangel" 813 "Used in the online event" 814 "Used when entering Blood Castle" 815 "Reward received when returned to the Archangel" 816 "Used when creating a Cloak of Invisibility" 817 "Absolute Crossbow of Archangel" 818 "Stone Registration Button" 819 "Acquired Stones" 820 "Registered Stones (Accumulative)" 821 "Accumulated stones can be used" 822 "via the website from October 14th." 823 "Collecting Stones. Please give me stones that you've acquired!" 824 "%s Closing (in %d seconds)" 825 "%s Infiltration (in %d seconds)" 826 "%s Event ends (in %d seconds)" 827 "%s Event shuts down (in %d seconds)" 828 "%s Penetration (in %d seconds)" 829 "You may enter only %d times per day." 830 "I see that you have the Cloak of Invisibility. But you need to wait till the gate opens to enter the Blood Castle." 831 "Your courage is admirable but you need a Cloak of Invisibility to enter Blood Castle. You need more than just courage, warrior." 832 "Your will to help the Archangel is appreciated. But be careful, young warrior for Blood Castle is a dangerous place. May God be with you." 833 "Ah! Great warrior. Thanks to your help, we have been able to protect the lands from Kundun's soldiers. As a token of our appreciation, I will share my experience with you." 834 "You're a warrior in training, I see. I will trust in your courage. Go ahead and bring down those evil creatures and bring me back my weapon." 835 "If you think you are brave enough a warrior, go to the Blood Castle. They say you can receive the Archangel's blessing." 836 "You've come to purchase a Cloak of Invisibility? Acquire the 'Scroll of Archangel' and a 'Blood Bone' and visit the Chaos Goblin. You'll be able to get one there." 837 "Have you come to repair something? I don't know where Blood Castle is. Why don't you go ask the Messenger of Archangel in Devias." 838 "Blood Castle is an extremely dangerous place. You might want to go with others as courageous as you if you want to help the Archangel." 839 "Are you going to the Blood Castle? Please help out the Archangel. Please!" 840 "You'll find the 'Scroll of Archangel' and 'Blood Bone' by hunting monsters on the Continent of Mu." 841 "The Archangel has been protecting this land from the evil hands of Kundun since the very beginning. I'm sure he'd be glad to find aid." 842 "It seems as though the only one who can help the Archangel is you." 843 "The liquor that I sell here strengthens the warriors. Help yourselves to defeat the evil creatures in Blood Castle." 844 "I heard the creatures in Blood Castle are vicious. And you're going there? Quite a brave soul, you are." 845 "The Archangel is fighting the evil creatures of Kundun in the Blood Castle alone! If you are indeed as brave as you say you are, go help out the Archangel!" 846 "Messenger of Archangel" 847 "Castle %d (level %d-%d)" 848 "Castle %d (over level %d)" 849 "Archangel" 850 "You can enter %s now." 851 "After %d minutes you may enter %s." 852 "The time to enter %s has passed." 853 "The maximum capacity of %s has been reached. The max. number allowed is %d." 854 "The level of the Cloak of Invisibility is incorrect." 855 "Even if you die or use the 'transport command' or the 'Town Portal Scroll' during the quest, do not disconnect until the quest is finished. If you disconnect, you will not be able to receive any reward for completing the quest." 856 "The weapon has been found. Thank you. You'd better get yourself out of here quickly." 857 "completed the Blood Castle Quest!" 858 "Congratulations! You have successfully" 859 "to complete the Blood Castle Quest." 860 "Unfortunately, you have failed" 861 "Rewarded Exp: %d" 862 "Rewarded Zen: %d" 863 "Blood Castle Point: %d" 864 "Monster: ( %d/%d )" 865 "Time Left" 866 "Magic Skeleton: ( %d/%d )" 867 "You are not allowed to enter more than %d times in one day." 868 "Entrance is allowed for %d times" 869 "%d %s %s Schedule" 870 "Chaos Dragon Axe, Chaos Lightning Staff" 871 "Chaos Nature Bow" 872 "Wings(7 types), Fruit, Devil's Invitation" 873 "Dinorant, +10, +15 items, Cloak of Invisibility" 874 "Cape of Lord" 877 "" 878 "" 879 "Skill Damage: %d~%d" 880 "Mana Decrease: %d" 881 "Duration: %dseconds" 882 "Using accumulated stone" 883 "Stone Rush Mini Game is until the 21st" 884 "Free Auction Event is until the 15th" 885 "Can be accessed from the homepage" 886 "You have successfully registered." 887 "This serial number has already been registered." 888 "You have exceeded the max registration number." 889 "Wrong serial number." 890 "Unknown Error" 891 "Enter the 12 digit lucky number" 892 "written on the 100%% winning card." 893 "Enter the lucky number" 894 "Ex) AUS919DKL2J9" 895 "Lucky number registered" 896 "Leave at least one empty slot in your inventory." 897 "Lucky number registration period" 898 "Oct. 28, 2003 ~ Nov. 30" 899 "You have already registered." 900 "The stones that are registered at the Golden Archer" 901 "Oct. 28 ~ Nov. 4" 902 "1 Stone = 3,000 Zen" 903 "Stone Exchange" 904 "Register the lucky number on the 100%% winning card." 905 "Please check out the announcement on the official website on how to receive a 100%% winning card." 906 "Ring of Honor" 907 "Dark Stone" 908 "/DuelChallenge" 909 "/DuelCancel" 910 "You are challenged to a duel." 911 "Would you like to accept the challenge?" 912 "%s has accepted your challenge." 913 "%s has declined your challenge." 914 "The duel has been canceled." 915 "You cannot challenge, player is already in a duel." 916 "Please make sure to differentiate" 917 "Alphabet O and number 0, and Alphabet I and number 1" 918 "Obtained" 919 "Slide Help" 920 "4 Shot Skill (Mana: %d)" 921 "5 Shot Skill (Mana: %d)" 922 "Ring of Warrior" 923 "You can drop the ring when you reach level %d." 924 "Can be dropped after level %d" 925 "Ring of Wizard" 926 "Cannot Repair" 927 "Close (%s)" 928 "Ring of Warrior" 929 "Ring of glory" 930 "Quest: Unfinished" 931 "Quest: In Progress" 932 "Quest: Completed" 933 "Warp Command Window" 934 "Map" 935 "Min. Level" 936 "Cost" 937 "You must be in a party" 938 "Command Window" 939 "Command (D)" 940 "No space allowed in guild names" 941 "No symbols allowed in guild names" 942 "Reserved name" 943 "Trade" 944 "Party" 945 "Whisper" 946 "Guild" 947 "Add Friend" 948 "Follow" 949 "Duel" 950 "Increase strength +%d" 951 "Increase agility +%d" 952 "Increase energy +%d" 953 "Increase stamina +%d" 954 "Increase command +%d" 955 "Increase min. damage +%d" 956 "Increase max. damage +%d" 957 "Increase damage +%d" 958 "Increase damage success rate +%d" 959 "Increase defensive skill +%d" 960 "Increase max. life +%d" 961 "Increase max. mana +%d" 962 "Increase max. AG +%d" 963 "Increase AG increase rate +%d" 964 "Increase critical damage rate %d%%" 965 "Increase critical damage +%d" 966 "Increase excellent damage rate %d%%" 967 "Increase excellent damage +%d" 968 "Increase skill attacking rate +%d" 969 "Double damage rate %d%%" 970 "Ignore enemies defensive skill %d%%" 971 "%s Increase damage strength/%d" 972 "%s Increase damage agility/%d" 973 "%s Increase defensive skill agility/%d" 974 "%s Increase defensive skill stamina/%d" 975 "%s Increase Wizardry energy/%d" 976 "Ice attribute skill increase damage +%d" 977 "Poison attribute skill increase damage +%d" 978 "Lightning attribute skill increase damage +%d" 979 "Fire attribute skill increase damage +%d" 980 "Earth attribute skill increase damage +%d" 981 "Wind attribute skill increase damage +%d" 982 "Water attribute skill increase damage +%d" 983 "Increase damage when using two handed weapons +%d%%" 984 "Increase defensive skill when using shield weapons %d%%" 985 "Increase strength +%d" 986 "Increase agility +%d" 987 "Increase stamina +%d" 988 "Increase energy +%d" 989 "Set option" 990 "My Friend" 991 "Question" 992 "You cannot use the 'My Friend' function. Please select the upgraded window from the option menu." 993 "Invite" 994 "Talking: " 995 "*Offline* " 996 "Close Invitation" 997 "Wheel Button: Zoom In/Out" 998 "Left Click: Rotation" 999 "Right Click: Default" 1000 "Receiver: " 1001 "Send" 1002 "Close" 1003 "Prev. Action" 1004 "Next Action" 1005 "Title: " 1006 "Enter the name of the receiver." 1007 "Enter the title." 1008 "Enter your message." 1009 "Do you wish to quit writing this letter?" 1010 "Reply" 1011 "Delete" 1012 "Previous" 1013 "Next" 1014 "Sender: %s (%s %s)" 1015 "Write" 1016 "Re: %s" 1017 "Are you sure you want to delete the letter?" 1018 "Add Friend" 1019 "Delete Friend" 1020 "Chat" 1021 " Name " 1022 "Server" 1023 "Enter the ID of the friend you'd like to add" 1024 "Do you really wish to delete this friend?" 1025 "Hide All" 1026 "Window Title" 1027 "Read" 1028 " Sender " 1029 " Date Rcvd." 1030 " Title " 1031 "Select the letter you'd like to delete" 1032 "Friends List" 1033 "Window List" 1034 "Letter Box" 1035 "Refuse Chat" 1036 "If you refuse chat, all chat windows will close!" 1037 "Yes" 1038 "No" 1039 "Offline" 1040 "Waiting" 1041 "Cannot Use" 1042 " %2d Server" 1043 "Friend (F)" 1044 "F5(Right Click): Chat window" 1045 "F6: Hide window" 1046 "Letter has been sent (cost: %d zen)" 1047 "ID does not exist." 1048 "You cannot add more. Please delete to add." 1049 "is already registered." 1050 "You cannot register your own ID." 1051 "has requested to list you as a friend." 1052 "Couldn't delete." 1053 "The letter could not be sent. Please try again." 1054 "Read letter: %s" 1055 "Couldn't delete letter." 1056 "User is offline." 1057 "has been invited." 1058 "Chat room is full." 1059 "has entered." 1060 "has left." 1061 "The letter can't be sent because the receiver's mail box is full." 1062 "New mail has arrived." 1063 "New message has arrived." 1064 "Either the receiver does not exist or there is no mail box." 1065 "You cannot send a letter to yourself." 1066 "Connection Error: Reopening Friend window to reconnect." 1067 "You must be at least level 6 to use the 'My Friend' function." 1068 "The other character must be over level 6." 1069 "The conversation cannot continue." 1070 "The chat server is now unavailable." 1071 "Write letter (Cost: %d zen)" 1072 "%d letters are saved in your mailbox (Max: %d)" 1073 "Your mailbox is full. You must delete letters to receive new ones." 1074 "You have reached the maximum number of friends you can list." 1075 "The friend's status will be displayed as [Offline] until both parties are registered as friends" 1076 "This game may be inappropriate for the users below age 12, thus requires the guardian's direction and supervision." 1077 " This game may be inappropriate for the users below age 15, thus requires the guardian's direction and supervision." 1078 " This game may be inappropriate for the users below age 18, thus requires the guardian's direction and supervision." 1079 "Reserve: My Friend" 1080 "Ice attribute" 1081 "Poison attribute" 1082 "Lightning attribute" 1083 "Fire attribute" 1084 "Earth attribute" 1085 "Wind attribute" 1086 "Water attribute" 1087 "Max mana increased by %d%%" 1088 "Max AG increased by %d%%" 1089 "Set" 1090 "Ancient Metal" 1091 "Register Stone of Friendship" 1092 "Acquired Stone of Friendship" 1093 "Registered Stone of Friendship" 1094 "Register your Stones of Friendship" 1095 "You can register them from " 1096 "to " 1097 "" 1098 "Stone of Friendship" 1099 "Used in the My Friend event." 1100 "Do you want to buy an item?" 1101 "Right click for price setting" 1102 "Personal store" 1103 " " 1104 "[Store] " 1105 "Enter the store name" 1106 "Apply" 1107 "Open" 1108 "Closed" 1109 " " 1110 "Price of the item purchased" 1111 " " 1112 " " 1113 " " 1114 " " 1115 " " 1116 " " 1117 "/Personal store" 1118 "/Buy" 1119 "There's no store name or item price." 1120 "Store is not open at the moment." 1121 "Store can't be opened." 1122 "Item was sold to %s." 1123 "Only above level %d can use." 1124 "Buy" 1125 "Open Personal Store (S)" 1126 "The other character has closed the store." 1127 "Close personal store(S)" 1128 "Enter store name." 1129 "Enter selling price." 1130 "Wrong store name." 1131 "Do you want to open a store?" 1132 "Selling price : %s zen " 1133 "Do you want to sell item at this price?" 1134 "All item trading" 1135 "can only be done using zen." 1136 "/View store on" 1137 "/View store off" 1138 "Can view personal store window." 1139 "Cannot view personal store window." 1140 "Quest " 1141 "Arena" 1142 "Castle" 1143 "Castle2" 1144 "Curse" 1145 "Devil Square" 1146 "Blood Castle" 1147 "Chaos Castle" 1148 "Feel the new Spirit of Guardian!!" 1150 "Can't be in Chaos Castle" 1151 "The spirit of the guard has been purified" 1152 "The quest" 1153 "Try again next time" 1154 "" 1155 "" 1156 "In %s, Currently [%d/%d] entered." 1157 "Right click to enter." 1158 "Disguise yourself with the Armor of Guardsman and infiltrate Chaos Castle!" 1159 "Please save the souls exploited by the demon, Kundun." 1160 "Get armor of guard from Wizard, Wandering Merchant and Craftsman NPC." 1161 "Character: ( %d/%d )" 1162 "Monster Kill count: %d" 1163 "Players Kill count: %d" 1164 "when %d " 1165 "Increase attribute damage" 1166 "Failed to purchase. Please try again." 1167 "Be a first Lord of the castle!!" 1168 "Join the castle party and get lots of prizes!!" 1169 "No pet" 1170 "Command: %d" 1171 "Only level %d above can do cloak combination." 1172 "Create Cloaks" 1173 "Increase 150%% attack in Dark Spirit class" 1174 "Increase 2 attack scope in Dark Spirit class" 1175 "Update cloak item" 1176 "%d to Kalima" 1177 "You want to open the way to Kalima?" 1178 "It's not a correct level of magic stone" 1179 "Only the owner of magic stone and party members can enter" 1180 "Kundun mark +%d level" 1181 "%d / %d" 1182 "Can create lost map." 1183 "%d is lacking to create lost map." 1184 "Magic stone will appear when you throw it in the screen" 1185 "Can only be used during party" 1186 "Force Wave Skill (Mana: %d)" 1187 "Dark horse" 1188 "Increase %d possible attack distance" 1189 "Earth Shake Skill (Mana: %d)" 1190 "View detailed information" 1191 "Right click" 1192 "%dMonth %dDate %dYear" 1193 "Expiration date: %ddays left" 1194 "Can use in the store" 1195 "Has been used in the store" 1196 "Teleport scroll can be used when the player is standing still" 1197 "of " 1198 "Automatic PK has been set." 1199 "Automatic PK has been removed." 1200 "Force Wave" 1201 "Dark Lord exclusive skill" 1202 "Hi" 1203 "%s what is your command?" 1204 "Restore life (durability)" 1205 "Resurrect spirit" 1206 "Upgrade" 1207 "Please exit after closing the Combination window." 1208 "Resurrection failed." 1209 "Resurrection successful." 1210 "Long Spear Skill (Mana: %d)" 1211 "Drop the item and exit." 1212 "Resurrection" 1213 "Item inappropriate for %s" 1214 "Dark Raven" 1215 "Used in Dark Horse resurrection" 1216 "Used in Dark Raven resurrection" 1217 "Pet" 1218 "Commands" 1219 "Basic action" 1220 "Random automatic attack" 1221 "Attack with owner" 1222 "Attack target" 1223 "Follow around the character." 1224 "Attack any monsters around the character." 1225 "Attack the monster together with the character." 1226 "Attack the monster selected by the character." 1227 "Trainer" 1228 "Select the pet to recover life" 1229 "Pet is not equipped." 1230 "Life has been recovered" 1231 "%s zen is lacking to recover life." 1232 "%s zen is required to recover life." 1233 "No %s." 1234 "Increase pet attack as %d%%" 1235 "Crest of monarch" 1236 "Used in combining Cape of Lord & Warrior's Cloak" 1237 "Check the details in pet information window" 1238 "Can't be used in the safe zone" 1239 "Attack" 1240 "The account has been teleported general character %d, Magic Gladiator %d" 1241 "Teleport character" 1242 "Magic Gladiator, Dark lord" 1243 "Character that can't be created" 1244 "If you need any assistance in game please find a GM..." 1245 "Killer is not allowed to enter" 1246 "Zen" 1250 "Alliance guild." 1251 "Hostile Guild." 1252 "Guild alliance exists." 1253 "Hostile Guild exists." 1254 "Guild alliance does not exist." 1255 "Hostile Guild does not exist." 1256 "Guild Score : %d" 1257 "To make the alliance," 1258 "Face the guild master" 1259 "of desired guild for guild alliance" 1260 "Enter /alliance or Guild alliance " 1261 "button in command window." 1262 "If the opposite is not a guild" 1263 "alliance, opposite alliance should" 1264 "be the main alliance for creating" 1265 "guild alliance. Request the" 1266 "registration to opposite alliance," 1267 "if the opposite is guild alliance." 1268 "Request has been cancelled." 1269 "This function is not activated." 1270 "Alliance master can't disband the guild." 1271 "Alliance master can't withdraw the guild." 1272 "Silver (Combined)" 1273 "Storm (Combined)" 1274 "Originates from 'Silver Hunter', a nickname for Oswald, the greatest marksman on the entire continent. Always using silver arrowheads against his enemies, Oswald was a harbinger of death in the eyes of demons." 1275 "Originates from 'Storm Knight', a nickname for the Crusader hero Cloud. Legends speak of sweeping storms that arise in battle." 1280 "From %s, for a guild alliance" 1281 "Received a registration request" 1282 "Received a withdrawal request" 1283 "Approve?" 1284 "From %s, for a Hostile Guild" 1285 "Received cancellation request." 1286 "Received approval request." 1287 "Maximum no. of guild alliance is 7." 1288 "Prevent equipment drop" 1289 "Create and improve items for siege" 1290 "Sign of lord" 1291 "Use in siege registration" 1294 "Move to vault" 1295 "Alliance" 1296 "Alliance master" 1297 "Oppose" 1298 "Opposing master" 1299 "Opposing alliance master" 1300 "Master" 1301 "Assist. M." 1302 "Battle M." 1303 "Create guild" 1304 "Change guild mark" 1305 "Next" 1306 "Back" 1307 "Position" 1308 "Dissolve" 1309 "Release" 1310 "Guild member: %d" 1311 "Appoint as assistant guild master" 1312 "Appoint as a battle master" 1313 "Already belongs to guild alliance" 1314 "'%s'as a %s" 1315 "Do you want to appoint?" 1316 "Guild vault" 1317 "Used log" 1318 "Managing vault" 1319 "Page" 1320 "Not a guild master" 1321 "Hostility Guild" 1322 "Suspend Hostilities" 1323 "Announcement" 1324 "Disband guild alliance" 1325 "Withdraw guild alliance" 1326 "Can no longer be appointed" 1327 "Wrong appointment" 1328 "Failed" 1329 "Income" 1330 "Members" 1331 "Incomplete requirements for creating a guild alliance" 1332 "Guild creation date" 1333 "Not a master of guild alliance" 1334 "Select the vault to be managed" 1335 "Manage guild vault %d" 1336 "Item in" 1337 "Item out" 1338 "Deposit zen" 1339 "Withdraw zen" 1340 "Withdrawal limit" 1341 "Suspended" 1342 "Exclusive for guild master" 1343 "Above assistant guild master" 1344 "Above battle master" 1345 "All guild members" 1346 "Search vault log" 1347 "In" 1348 "Out" 1349 "Item" 1350 "Click item name" 1351 "To view the detailed information." 1352 "Alliance" 1353 "Not appropriate for guild alliance." 1354 "/Alliance" 1355 "Do not belong to the guild." 1356 "/Hostilities" 1357 "/Suspend hostilities" 1358 "Request to %s to join the guild alliance." 1359 "Request to %s to approve to be a Hostile Guild." 1360 "Request to %s cancel the status as a Hostile Guild." 1361 "None" 1362 "Guild Members : %d/%d" 1363 "Once you disband the guild" 1364 "All the items and zen in the guild vault will disappear" 1365 "Also the guild ranking information will disappear." 1366 "Would you like to disband the guild?" 1367 "Character '%s'" 1368 "Would you like to cancel the ranking?" 1369 "Would you like to release?" 1370 "To change the guild mark" 1371 "X zen and N Jewel of Bless is" 1372 "Required" 1373 "Would you like to change?" 1374 "Appointed" 1375 "Changed" 1376 "Cancelled" 1377 "Failed to join the guild alliance." 1378 "Failed to leave the guild alliance." 1379 "Hostile Guild request was not approved." 1380 "Hostile Guild withdrawal request was not approved." 1381 "Guild alliance registration is successful." 1382 "Guild alliance withdrawal is successful." 1383 "Hostile Guild is connected." 1384 "Hostile Guild is disconnected." 1385 "This does not belong to the guild." 1386 "No authorization" 1387 "Request to leave the guild alliance." 1388 "It cannot be used due to the distance." 1389 "Name" 1390 "Remaining hours %d:0%d" 1391 "Remaining seconds %d:%d" 1392 "It will start after %d seconds" 1393 "Tournament result" 1394 "VS" 1395 "Tie!" 1396 "Win" 1397 "Lose" 1400 "Weapon for Invading team" 1401 "Weapon for defending team" 1402 "Castle Gate 1" 1403 "Castle Gate 2" 1404 "Castle Gate 3" 1405 "Front yard" 1406 "Front yard1" 1407 "Front yard2" 1408 "Bridge" 1409 "Desired attacking location" 1410 "Select the button and press" 1411 "To shoot." 1412 "Create" 1413 "Potion of bless" 1414 "Potion of soul" 1415 "Life Stone" 1416 "Scroll of Guardian" 1417 "Damage +20%% increase effect" 1418 "Duration 60 seconds" 1419 "Only applicable for castle gate and statue" 1420 "No. of signs" 1421 "%u : %u : %u remained for the next stage." 1422 "Disband alliance" 1423 "%s guild from the alliance" 1424 "" 1425 "" 1426 "" 1427 "" 1428 "Castle Siege has been announced." 1429 "You have no ability" 1430 "To attack the castle." 1431 "Announcement qualification" 1432 "Guild master level above %d" 1433 "" 1434 "Guild member above %d" 1435 "Announce" 1436 "Register the acquired sign." 1437 "Acquired no. of sign: %u" 1438 "Registered no. of sign: %u" 1439 "Register" 1440 "Announcement and registration period" 1441 "has ended." 1442 "Truce period." 1443 "On %d %d, 3 pm," 1444 "Castle Siege will start" 1445 "Guard NPC" 1446 "Official seal of king: %s" 1447 "Affiliated guild: %s" 1448 "Status" 1449 "List" 1450 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ENGINE_DETECT_GAME_HACK)" 1451 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_SPEEDHACK)" 1452 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_KDTRACE)" 1453 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_AUTOMOUSE)" 1454 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_DRIVERFAILED)" 1455 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_HOOKFUNCTION)" 1456 "[HACKSHIELD] (AHNHS_ACTAPC_DETECT_MESSAGEHOOK)" 1458 "Failed to select the siege weapon" 1459 "Failed to fire the siege weapon" 1460 "Archer" 1461 "Spearman" 1462 "Place Life Stone" 1463 "Attacking speed +25 increase effect" 1464 "Duration 30 seconds" 1465 "Only applicable for castle gate and statue" 1466 "Increase critical damage rate" 1467 "Can use additional skill" 1468 "Can't move" 1469 "Maximum mana will increase" 1470 "It will appear as transparent mode" 1471 "Attacking skill will increase +20%%" 1472 "Attacking speed will increase +20" 1473 "Can use the skill" 1474 "The skill can only be changed in Guild Battle and Castle Siege" 1475 "Castle Gate Switch" 1476 "Can command to open or close " 1477 "the castle gate in front " 1478 "Be careful! It might be beneficial to the enemy" 1479 "Open" 1480 "Receive skill from %s" 1481 "Can only be used for %d seconds" 1482 "This is a master skill in Guild Battle and Castle Siege" 1483 "Can be used when the %d KillCount is completed" 1484 "Crown Switch has been released!" 1485 "Crown Switch has been activated!" 1486 "Character %s is" 1487 "Character is" 1488 "already pressing %s" 1489 "Official seal registration will start" 1490 "Official seal registration is successful" 1491 "Official seal registration is failed" 1492 "Another character is registering the official seal" 1493 "Shield of the crown has been removed" 1494 "Shield of the crown has been activated" 1495 "Official seal registration is successful" 1496 "%s alliance is trying to register the official seal now" 1497 "%s guild has registered the official seal successfully" 1498 "Are you really want to quit the Siege Wargare?" 1499 "Shoot" 1500 "Castle information failed" 1501 "Unusual castle information" 1502 "Castle guild is disappeared" 1503 "Failed to register for Castle Siege" 1504 "Castle Siege registration is successful" 1505 "Already registered in Castle Siege." 1506 "You belong to the guild of the defending team." 1507 "Incorrect guild." 1508 "Guild master's level is insufficient." 1509 "No affiliated guild." 1510 "It's not a registration period for Castle Siege." 1511 "Number of guild members is lacking." 1512 "Surrendering Castle Siege has failed." 1513 "Surrendering Castle Siege is successful." 1514 "This guild is not registered in Castle Siege." 1515 "It's not a surrendering period for Castle Siege." 1516 "Registration of sign has failed." 1517 "This guild has not participated in Castle Siege." 1518 "Incorrect item was registered." 1519 "Failed to purchase." 1520 "Purchasing cost is insufficient." 1521 "Jewel is lacking." 1522 "Incorrect type." 1523 "Incorrect requested value." 1524 "NPC does not exist." 1525 "Acquiring tax rate information has failed" 1526 "Changing tax rate information has failed" 1527 "Withdrawal failed" 1528 "No. Reg." 1529 "Stat" 1530 "Order" 1531 "Failed" 1532 "Processing" 1533 "Starting %u-%u-%u %u : %u" 1534 "untill %u-%u-%u %u : %u" 1535 "Siege period is over." 1536 "Siege registration period." 1537 "Standby period for sign registration." 1538 "Period for sign registration." 1539 "Standby period for announcement." 1540 "Announcement period." 1541 "Siege preparation period." 1542 "Siege period." 1543 "Truce period." 1544 "Siege is over." 1545 "Expected siege period is" 1546 "%u-%u-%u %u : %u." 1547 "Announced" 1548 "Standby period for sign registration." 1549 "Abandon Castle Siege" 1550 "Improve" 1551 "To purchase selected castle gate" 1552 "To repair selected castle gate" 1553 "%d Guardian jewel and %d zen are required." 1554 "Would you like to repair?" 1555 "Upgrading the durability of selected castle gate" 1556 "Upgrading the defensive power of selected castle gate" 1557 "Purchase and repair" 1558 "Buy" 1559 "Repair" 1560 "DUR : %d/%d" 1561 "DP : %d" 1562 "RR : %d%%" 1563 "DUR +%d" 1564 "DP +%d" 1565 "RR +%d%%" 1566 "Chaos combination Goblin tax rate %d%%" 1567 "Various NPC tax rate %d%%" 1568 "Apply?" 1569 "Enter the deposit amount." 1570 "(Maximum 15,000,000 Zen)" 1571 "Enter the withdrawal amount." 1572 "Adjust tax rate" 1573 "Chaos combination Goblin: %d(%d)%%" 1574 "NPC: %d(%d)%%" 1575 "Only the lord of the castle" 1576 "can adjust the tax rate." 1577 "Tax adjustment available" 1578 "during Truce Period." 1579 "Maximum Tax rates: 3%%" 1580 "NPCs include" 1581 "Elf Lala, Potion Girl" 1582 "Wizard, Arena Guard" 1583 "and etc." 1584 "Retaining zen of castle: %I64d" 1585 "Tax belongs to the castle" 1586 "and can be used" 1587 "to operate the castle." 1588 "Senior NPC" 1589 "Castle Gate" 1590 "Guardian Statue" 1591 "Tax" 1592 "Entrance fee setting" 1593 "Enter" 1594 "Enter the entrance fee." 1595 "(Maximum 100,000 Zen)" 1596 "Guard NPC" 1597 "Entrance restriction" 1598 "Open it to non-members." 1599 "Entrance fee setting" 1600 "Entrance fee range: 0 ~ %s zen" 1601 "for setting" 1602 "Entrance fee : %s Zen" 1603 "Camp" 1604 "Maintain" 1605 "Invading team" 1606 "Defending team" 1607 "Maintain" 1608 "Assist" 1609 "Has not been confirmed yet." 1610 "To purchase selected statue" 1611 "To repair selected statue" 1612 "Would you like to purchase?" 1613 "Upgrading durability of selected castle gate" 1614 "Upgrading defensive power of selected statue" 1615 "Upgrading recovery power of selected statue" 1616 "Already exists." 1617 "%d zen is required." 1618 "(Increase unit:%s zen)" 1619 "Confirm" 1620 "Purchasing price: %s(%s)" 1621 "Item Combination (tax rate: %d%%)" 1622 "Required zen: %s(%s)" 1623 "Tax rate: %d%% (changed in real-time)" 1624 "Only the guild members" 1625 "are allowed to enter." 1626 "is allowed" 1627 "Entering is not allowed" 1628 "Insufficient zen for entering" 1629 "Approval from the lord of a castle is required" 1630 "for entering" 1631 "Please go back" 1632 "Entrance fee %szen" 1633 "Pay entrance fee to enter" 1634 "Would you like to enter?" 1635 "Disband of alliance (guild) or request for alliance is not allowed during the siege period" 1636 "Required zen for potion: %s(%s)" 1637 "Alliance function will be restricted due to the Castle Siege." 1638 "Increase +8 AG recovery speed" 1639 "Increase resistance of Lightning and Ice" 1640 "Store" 1641 "Empty the items in castle lord's store." 1642 "Can only be used by a Castle lord" 1643 "There should be a 4x5 empty space." 1644 "Brave one," 1645 "now you have become" 1646 "a lord of the castle." 1647 "May the blessings" 1648 "of the guardian" 1649 "be upon you." 1650 "Blue lucky pouch" 1651 "Red lucky pouch" 1652 "Free entrance to Kalima" 1653 "Increase stamina" 1654 "You can't delete the character that belongs to the guild" 1655 "Insert 30 Jewel of guardian and a bundle of Jewel of bless, Jewel of soul" 1656 "and click on the combine button" 1657 "to get an item." 1658 "Werewolf Guardsman" 1659 "'Do you even know about me? I've been both blessed and cursed from Lugard. You may be helped if you are appropriately qualified.'" 1660 "If you have passed through the Apostle Devin's test, Werewolf Guardsman will send you and your party members Balgass' Barrack." 1661 "In order to receive help from Werewolf Guardsman; you must pay him 3,000,000 Zen." 1662 "Gatekeeper" 1663 "'Hmm, who are you? I'm confused. Are you even approved of Balgass?" 1664 "Lugadr's 12 apostles are helping by blinding the gatekeeper by the road to Balgass' Resting Place." 1665 "Ingredients for the 3rd wing assembly." 1666 "Condor's Feather" 1667 "3rd Wings" 1668 "Blade Master" 1669 "Grand Master" 1670 "High Elf" 1671 "Dual Master" 1672 "Lord Emperor" 1673 "Return's the enemy's attack power +%d%%" 1674 "Complete recovery of life +%d%%" 1675 "Complete recover of mana +%d%%" 1676 "You must be located closely together in order to enter Balgass' Barrack at once." 1677 "Apostle Devin's third mission request enables entrance into the resting place." 1678 "Balgass' Barrack" 1679 "Balgass' Resting Place" 1680 "Fenrir's Horn, Scroll of Blood, Condor's Feather" 1681 "Regular chat" 1682 "Party chat" 1683 "Guilt chat" 1684 "Whisper block: On/Off" 1685 "System message pop-up" 1686 "Chat window background On/Off (F5)" 1687 "Summoner" 1688 "Bloody Summoner" 1689 "Dimension Master" 1690 "Strong mentality and excellent insight creates the most powerful curse spell. Also this item pulls out another world summoners and use the detrimental sorcery against them." 1691 "Curse Spell increment %d%%" 1692 "Curse Spell: %d ~ %d" 1693 " Curse Spell: %d ~ %d (+%d)" 1694 " Curse Spell: %d ~ %d" 1695 "Explosion Skill (Mana: %d)" 1696 "Requiem (Mana: %d)" 1697 "Additional Curse Spell +%d" 1698 "You can connect only from PC Bang" 1699 "Season 2 Test(PC Bang)" 1700 "Create a character" 1701 "Strength" 1702 "Agility" 1703 "Vitality" 1704 "Energy" 1705 "Kingdom of wizards, descendant of Arka. He has a inferior physical condition but has a enormous power and can command attacking spells freely." 1706 "Kingdom of knights, descendant of Lorencia.With a powerful strength and swordsmanship he can handle most of the close-range weapons." 1707 "Kingdom of elves, descendants of Noria. A master of arrows and bows and commands various spells." 1708 "Complex character that has a characteristics of the Dark knight and Dark wizard. Master in a close-range combat and can command spells freely." 1709 "Charismatic character that can command the troops and handle the Dark spirit and Dark horse." 1710 "Gameplay should be kept in moderation." 1711 "Character level above %d cannot be deleted." 1712 "Would you like to delete %s character?" 1713 "Please enter your WEBZEN.COM password." 1714 "Character was deleted successfully." 1715 "It contains prohibited words." 1716 "Incorrect character name was entered or same character name exists." 1717 "Re Arl is an ancient language that means a fallen angel and the one who gets this wing will have a cursed destiny that will harm his sibling and pals." 1718 "Originated from the God of lights Lugard, Lugard is ruler of the heaven and absolute god of lights." 1719 "Muren is one of the heroes who sealed Secrarium and united the continent who became the first emperor of the empire." 1720 "It was originated from the Saint of Muren, Lax Milon which mean the 'person who are loved'." 1721 "It was originated from the Greatest magic gladiator Gion who was in favor of Muren but Gion betrays Muren later on." 1722 "Rune is one of the heroes who sealedSecrarium and she is the leader of the elves and was a queen of Noria." 1723 "Siren is being called as a 'Guide star' which is the only star that does not change its location and became an index of directions." 1724 "Elka is a member of the Gods of Lugard and is a merciful Goddess of luck and peace." 1725 "Titan is a giant who guards Cathawthorm where the Kundun is sealed and it was created by Eturamu to protect the sealed stone." 1726 "Moa is a legendary island away from the continent and is a mysterious place that no one can enter." 1727 "It was originated from Usera, the Hierophant of Garuda clan. Usera helped Runedil to let Kilian succeed to the throne." 1728 "It was originated from Tarkan, the desert of death. Tar means 'desert sand' in ancient language." 1729 "Atlans is an underwater city created by the people of Kantur and it had more glorious civilization than the homeland Kantur." 1730 "'It's an acronym of ancient language 'Taruta De Rasa' which means 'the most intelligent man under the sky' and being used to call the Greatest wizard Arikara." 1731 "Nakal epitaph was discovered by the historians that shows the epics of 3 heroes in action during the 2nd Demogorgon Wars." 1732 "It was originated from the Greatest wizard Eturamu and he gave his life to protect the sealed stone.." 1733 "Kara is the first queen of Noria which means the 'Greatest elf' in ancient language." 1734 "'Star of destiny'. This star shares a fate with the MU continent and it alerts the evil spirits in the continent." 1735 "Ancient civilization from the MU continent.The existence of this civilization has been a controversy between the historians." 1736 "Enormous magic stone at the center of the underground city Kantur. People in Kantur calls this magic stone as Maya." 1737 "This is a test server." 1738 "Command" 1739 "Long gmae time may be harmful to your health" 1740 "Like studying, you need rest after a certain time of game play." 1741 "System (Esc)" 1742 "Help (F1)" 1743 "Move (M)" 1744 "Menu (U)" 1745 "Master" 1746 "Master level: %d" 1747 "Level point: %d" 1748 "EXP:%I64d / %I64d" 1749 "Master Skill Tree (A)" 1750 "Master EXP achievement %d " 1751 "Peace: %d" 1752 "Wisdom: %d" 1753 "Overcome: %d" 1754 "Mystery: %d" 1755 "Protection: %d" 1756 "Bravery: %d" 1757 "Anger: %d" 1758 "Hero: %d" 1759 "Blessing: %d" 1760 "Salvation: %d" 1761 "Storm: %d" 1762 "Faith: %d" 1763 "Solidity: %d" 1764 "Fighting Spirit: %d" 1765 "Ultimatum: %d" 1766 "Victory: %d" 1767 "Determination: %d" 1768 "Justice: %d" 1769 "Conquer: %d" 1770 "Glory: %d" 1771 "Would you like to strengthen the skill?" 1772 "Master level point requirement: %d" 1773 "Present investment point: %d" 1774 "Level: %d" 1775 "Strengthener point requirement: %d" 1776 "%d%% increment" 1777 "%d increment" 1778 "Square no. %d (Master Level)" 1779 "Castle no. %d (Master Level)" 1780 "Maximum Mana/%d recovery" 1781 "Maximum Life/%d recovery" 1782 "Maximum SD/%d recovery amount" 1783 "Each level effects increment in 5%%" 1784 "Damage increment for each strengthener level" 1785 "Effects: %d%% recovery increment" 1786 "Effects increment of 2%% each strengthener level" 1787 "effect increase by reinforcement process" 1788 "%d%% decrease" 1789 "Pollution Skill (Mana: %d)" 1800 "Dismantle jewel" 1801 "Jewel combination" 1802 "Jewel of Bless and Jewel of Soul" 1803 "Can combine or dismantle the" 1804 "Select the jewel to combine" 1805 "and press the button for no. of jewels" 1806 "Jewel of Bless" 1807 "Jewel of Soul" 1808 "Combine %d (%d zen is required)" 1809 "Are you sure to combine %s x %d?" 1810 "Combination cost: %d zen" 1811 "Zen is insufficient." 1812 "Corresponding item is inappropriate." 1813 "Are you sure to disband %s %d?" 1814 "Dissolving cost: %d zen" 1815 "Inventory space is insufficient." 1816 "To" 1817 "Items for combination system is lacking." 1818 "Can't be dismantled." 1819 "%d %s is combined" 1820 "Can be used after dismantling" 1821 "Current no. of possible dismantling: %d" 1822 "After selecting press the 'Dismantle' button." 1823 "Thank you! Finally you got it back." 1824 "You are back safely." 1825 "Thank you for your help." 1826 "You can now stand alone without my support." 1827 "I'll be your strength for the journey to become a warrior." 1828 "Damage and defense increased with a blessing." 1829 "Le-Al (New)" 1830 "You are already blessed." 1831 "Red Crystal" 1832 "Blue Crystal" 1833 "Black Crystal" 1834 "Treasure box" 1835 "[Blue Crystal/Red Crystal/Black Crystal]" 1836 "If it is used on event combine or thrown to the ground," 1837 "it will disappear with fire cracker effect" 1838 "Surprise present" 1839 "If it is thrown to the ground, money or gift will appear" 1840 "+Effect limitation" 1841 "Collect the orbs during the event to get a special prizes." 1845 "Metal Bowl" 1850 "Aida" 1851 "Crywolf Fortress" 1852 "Lost Kalima" 1853 "Elveland" 1854 "Swamp of Peace" 1855 "La Cleon" 1856 "Hatchery" 1860 "Increase final damage %d%%" 1861 "Absorb final damage %d%%" 1862 "Requires class change to be worn." 1863 "+Destroy" 1864 "+Protect" 1865 "Would you like to repair Fenrir's horn?" 1866 "+Illusion" 1867 "Added %d of Life" 1868 "Added %d of Mana" 1869 "Added %d Attack" 1870 "Added %d Wizardry" 1871 "Golden Fenrir" 1872 "Exclusive edition only given to MU Heroes" 1873 "Hera (Integration)" 1874 "Reign (Integration)" 1875 "New Server" 1876 "The goddess that the ancient forefathers worshipped before the Continent of MU was created; Hera represents the mother of land, harvest and fertility." 1877 "Reign Clipperd is the name of the first grand-master of the Continent of MU; He established a legendary contribution from the battle against the Shadow Force that worships Kundun." 1878 "The sage during the battles against the forces of evil; Lorch, was the sage and poet who wrote music about the war against the evil." 1879 "Season 4 Test Server" 1880 "This is a test server for Season 4." 1881 "Corporate server" 1882 "Test server for the corporate internal use." 1883 "The applied equipments cannot be reset." 1884 "Stat re-initialization" 1885 "Re-Initialization Helper" 1886 "Click on the button to reinitialize all stat points." 1887 "Register with the NPC to receive various gifts." 1888 "Exchange has been made." 1889 "Registered" 1890 "Delgado" 1891 "Lucky Coin Registration" 1892 "Lucky Coin Exchange" 1893 "X %d Coins" 1894 "Register" 1895 "Warning!" 1896 "Exchange 10 Coins" 1897 "Exchange 20 Coins" 1898 "Exchange 30 Coins" 1899 "There are not enough items for the exchange." 1900 "Command" 1901 "Fruit" 1902 "Choose." 1903 "Decrease" 1904 "This stat cannot be %s anymore." 1905 "Only Darklord can use it." 1906 "Fruit decrease is failed." 1907 "[+]:%d%%|[-]:%d%%" 1908 "It can be used with item removed." 1909 "To decrease the fruit, weapons, armors and others must be removed." 1910 "Possible to decrease stat 1~9 point" 1911 "Impossible since the usable fruit points are at maximum." 1912 "Cannot be decreased under the default stat value." 1915 "This item cannot be dropped." 1916 "Fenrir" 1917 "Fragment of horn can be made using the Divine protection of Goddess and fragment of armor." 1918 "Broken horn can be made using the claw of beast and fragment of horn." 1919 "Fenrir's horn can be made through item combination." 1920 "Can summon the Fenrir when equipped." 1921 "Fragment of horn" 1922 "Broken horn" 1923 "Fenrir's horn" 1924 "Increase damage" 1925 "Absorb damage" 1926 "When the attack is successful it will decrease the durability of" 1927 "one of the certain weapons to 50%%." 1928 "Plasma Storm Skill (Mana: %d)" 1929 "Skills will improve through upgrading." 1930 "Stamina Requirement: %d" 1931 "Req LV" 1932 "Register your Lucky Coins or" 1933 "use the Lucky Coins you already have" 1934 "and exchange them for items." 1935 "Register the most amount of Lucky Coins while the event lasts" 1936 "to receive a wide variety of gifts." 1937 "Check the official website for more details." 1938 "Exchanged Lucky Coins" 1939 "will not be returned." 1940 "Exchange" 1948 "Dark Elf (%d/12)" 1949 "Balgass" 1950 "Are you willing to be a guardian" 1951 "to protect the wolf?" 1952 "We need a guardian to protect the wolf." 1953 "You have been registered to be a guardian to protect the wolf." 1954 "Your role as a guardian will be cancelled when you warp." 1955 "You have been disqualified to be a guardian." 1956 "Contract can't be made when you are on a mount." 1957 "< Mission Point : 1. Defend the Wolf statue >" 1958 "Make a contract with the altar to protect the wolf statue!" 1959 "Only the Elf can be a guardian to give power to the Wolf statue! " 1960 "You have to protect elves when the contract is being made!" 1961 "< Mission Point : 2. Defeat Balgass >" 1962 "Fortress of Crywolf will not be safe unless Balgass is defeated!" 1963 "Balgass can only show up for 5 minutes around the Fortress of Crywolf!" 1964 "Defeat Balgass within the given time!" 1965 "" 1966 "10%% monster strength decrease (maintain during the event)" 1967 "5%% decrease in castle and arena invitation combine rate" 1968 "Above reparation is valid till the next Crywolf battle." 1969 "" 1970 "Delete all the NPC within Crywolf" 1972 "Above penalty is valid till the next Crywolf battle." 1973 "Class" 1974 "Feel the unusual forces around the Fortress of Crywolf." 1975 "The power of the Wolf statue is weakening. Feel the evil sprit getting stronger." 1976 "Crywolf is asking for your help. Only you can save this continent." 1977 "Score" 1980 "%s (Accumulated hour : %dseconds)" 1981 "Crown switch" 1982 "Other siege team is running the crown switch." 2000 "Monster strength decreased 10%%." 2001 "5%% increase in castle and arena invitation combine rate." 2002 "Contract is ongoing therefore dual compact is not possible." 2003 "Further contract can't be done since the altar has been destroyed." 2004 "Disqualified for the contract requirement." 2005 "Only level above 350 is allowed to make a contract." 2006 "Contract can be made for %d times." 2007 "Would you like to proceed with the contract?" 2008 "Please try again in a while." 2009 "All NPCs in Crywolf have been deleted." 2011 "Drop it to receive the gift." 2012 "Lilac candy box" 2013 "Orange candy box" 2014 "Navy candy box" 2020 "Would you like to receive the item?" 2021 "Please try again." 2022 "Item has already given." 2023 "Failed to get an item. Please try again." 2024 "This is not a event prize." 2025 "Here's the Divine protection of the Goddess Arkneria..." 2026 "Arrow will not decrease during activation" 2035 "You've been playing for %d hours." 2036 "You've been playing for %d hours. Please take a rest." 2037 " S D: %d / %d" 2038 "SD potion" 2039 "Infinity arrow activated" 2040 "Arrow will not decrease during activation" 2041 "Cheer" 2042 "Dance" 2043 "Killers are restricted to enter %s." 2044 "Attack Rate: %d" 2045 "Defense Rate: %d" 2046 "Would you like to cancel?" 2047 "Use in Castle Siege" 2048 "Can be used during Castle Siege with required Kill Count" 2049 "Can be used from the mount item" 2050 "Can be used after %dminutes" 2051 "'Battle Soccer for Mutizen' will now begin. Join the event and be rewarded!" 2052 "Have you heard of 'Battle Soccer for Mutizen'? 30,000 Jewel of Bless will be rewarded!" 2053 "Join 'Battle Soccer for Mutizen' and bring glory to your guild!" 2054 "Minimum Wizardry increment 20%%" 2055 "It cannot be applied on another." 2056 "It has been recovered already." 2060 "Harmony" 2061 "Refine" 2062 "Restore" 2063 "Refine" 2064 "Stone" 2065 "%s" 2066 "Refining.." 2067 "Using Jewel of Harmony" 2068 "Refining Jewel of Harmony" 2069 "(%s), means improving the stone to be a valuable material." 2070 "For example, you can not use Jewel of Harmony(%s) immediately..." 2071 "Getting through refining process" 2072 "You can not use Jewel of Harmony in %s status" 2073 "But the %s Jewel of Harmony can give the new power to your weapon." 2074 "What would you like to know?" 2075 "You can %s the item." 2076 "Too many Gemstones" 2077 "Insert the item to %s." 2078 "Item for %s" 2079 "(Item for %s)" 2080 "%s success %s : %d%%" 2081 "Jewel stone" 2082 "Weapons or shields" 2083 "Reinforced item" 2084 "%s for only %s" 2085 "Only the Jewel of Harmony can be refined." 2086 "For pendants, rings and mount items" 2087 "Lacks %d zen" 2088 "For restoring reinforced item," 2089 "Incorrect item" 2090 "not %s" 2091 "%s" 2092 "No item" 2093 "rate" 2094 "Required zen : %d zen" 2095 "of Jewel of Harmony, orignal" 2096 "gemstone will give more power." 2097 "Can't be refined." 2098 "Allowed" 2099 "Not allowed" 2100 "reinforcement option has to be" 2101 "deleted through restoration." 2102 "Restoration is deleting the" 2103 "reinforcement option" 2104 "of the weapons." 2105 "%s has failed.." 2106 "%s was successful." 2107 "Get the successful item." 2108 "Reinforced item can't be traded." 2109 "Attack rate: %d (+%d)" 2110 "Defense rate: %d (+%d)" 2111 "+Option" 2112 "%s has failed." 2113 "%s was successful." 2114 "This item is already enchanted" 2115 "Combination available(2 step only)" 2147 "Enter" 2148 "Refresh" 2149 "You may now proceed to the Refinery Tower." 2150 "Path to the Refinery Tower is now opened." 2151 "Path to the Refinery Tower will be closed in %d hours." 2152 "Battle with Maya is ongoing." 2153 "%d players are trying to open the path to the Refinery Tower. You can't enter the Refinery Tower, automated defense system has been activated." 2154 "Currently %d players are in battle with Maya's lefe hand." 2155 "Currently %d players are in battle with Maya's right hand." 2156 "Currently %d players are in battle with Maya's both hands." 2157 "Currently %d players are in battle with Nightmare." 2158 "Boss Battle will start soon." 2159 "Force of the Nightmare has invaded the Tower. Tower is unstable therefore the entrance to the Tower will be restricted for %d minutes." 2160 "Defeat the Nightmare that controlling the Maya to enter the Refinery Tower." 2161 "Entrance is restricted to ensure the security of Maya. 'Moonstone Pendant' is required." 2162 "You will be able to approach Maya shortly." 2163 "More players are needed to open the path to the Tower." 2164 "You may now enter." 2165 "Nightmare has lost the control of Maya's left hand. Currently there are %d survivors." 2166 "Nightmare has lost the control of Maya's right hand. Currently there are %d surviors." 2167 "More power from %d players are needed." 2168 "Nightmare has lost the control of Maya's left hand." 2169 "Nightmare has lost the control of Maya's right hand." 2170 "Failed to enter." 2171 "15 players have already entered. You can no longer enter." 2172 "'Moonstone Pendant' authentication has failed." 2173 "Time limit for entrance is over." 2174 "You can't warp to the Refinery Tower." 2175 "You can't warp wearing the Ring of Transformation." 2176 "You can only warp riding a Dynorant, Dark Horse, Fenrir or wearing the wings, cloak." 2177 "Kanturu" 2178 "Kanturu3" 2179 "Refinery Tower" 2180 "Character: %d" 2181 "Monster:Boss" 2182 "Monster : Boss" 2183 "Monster : %d" 2184 "Attack sucess rate increase +%d" 2185 "Additional Damage +%d" 2186 "Defense success rate increase +%d" 2187 "Defensive skill +%d" 2188 "Max. HP increase +%d" 2189 "Max. SD increase +%d" 2190 "SD auto recovery" 2191 "SD recovery rate increase +%d%%" 2192 "Add option" 2193 "Item option combination" 2194 "Add 380 item option" 2195 "%s" 2196 "Item level above 4" 2197 "Option value above +4 is required" 2198 "Gemstone of Jewel of Harmony has a sealed power. Magical energy and special ability can remove the seal and it's called as the refinery." 2199 "New power can be granted to the item using the power of refined Jewel of Harmony." 2200 "Code name ST-X813 Elpis. I'm a creature from the lab of Kantur. What would you like to know?" 2201 "About refinery" 2202 "Jewel of Harmony" 2203 "Refine Gemstone" 2204 "Reinforcement option error" 2205 "Send screenshots with the report." 2206 "Elpis" 2207 "I.D. of Kantur Chief Scientist. You can enter the Refinery Tower." 2208 "Jewel with impurities" 2209 "Jewel for item reinforcement" 2210 "Grant actual power to reinforced item." 2211 "Reinforced item can't be sold." 2212 "Reinforced item can't be traded." 2213 "Reinforced item can't be used in personal store." 2214 "Item level is low. It can no longer be reinforced." 2215 "Max. level for reinforcement is applied. It can't no longer be reinforced." 2216 "Item level is lower than the required reinforcement option." 2217 "Reinforced item can't be dropped." 2218 "One item for reinforcement." 2219 "Set item can't be reinforced." 2220 "Refine the item to create" 2221 "the Refining Stone." 2222 "Item will disappear when failed." 2223 "!! Warning !!" 2224 "Refinery has started. Refinery is a part of process to change the item to Refining Stone to be reinforced. Refined item will be disapper, make sure to check the item." 2225 "vitality +%d" 2226 "This item is not allowed to use the private store." 2227 "You haven't paid the subscription." 2228 "the forehead" 2229 "Attack Speed increase +%d" 2230 "Attack Power increase +%d" 2231 "Defense Power increase +%d" 2232 "Enjoy Halloween Festival." 2233 "Blessing of Jack O'Lantern" 2234 "Rage of Jack O'Lantern" 2235 "Scream of Jack O'Lantern" 2236 "Food of Jack O'Lantern" 2237 "Drink of Jack O'Lantern" 2238 "%d minutes %d seconds" 2239 "What do you want to know?" 2240 "Before my parents died, they taught me how to make the portion." 2241 "Queen Ariel will bless you." 2242 "To beat against Kundun, more organizational action will be needed, which means the guild is essesntial." 2243 "Christmas" 2244 "Fireworks will appear once thrown in the field." 2245 "Santa Clause" 2246 "Rudolf" 2247 "Snowman" 2248 "Merry Christmas." 2249 "Stonger effect has taken place." 2250 "Increases the combination rate,but only up to the maximum rate." 2251 "Unable to increase combination rate any further." 2252 "Day" 2253 "Experience rate is increased %d%%" 2254 "Item drop rate is increased %d%%" 2255 "Unable to gain experience rate" 2256 "Increases experience gained." 2257 "Increases experience gained and item drop rate." 2258 "Prevents experiences to be gained." 2259 "Enables entrance into %s." 2260 "usable %dtimes" 2261 "You can achieve special items with combinations." 2262 "Combinations can be used once at a time" 2263 "Items except Chaos Card" 2264 "Can't execute combination. Check free space in your inventory." 2265 "Chaos card combination" 2266 "Success Rate : 100%%" 2267 "Can't execute combination." 2268 "You have achieve %s item." 2269 "Congratulations. Please contact CS team and change it to item." 2270 "You will be assigned to a stage according to your level." 2271 "Display general items." 2272 "Display potions." 2273 "Display accessories." 2274 "Display special items." 2275 "You can save it to wish list by clicking the item.Saved item could be removed by clicking one more time." 2276 "Move to Top up page." 2277 "MU Item Shop (X)" 2278 "the size is width %d, height %d." 2279 "Cash Items" 2280 "Confirm purchase" 2281 "You can't cancel after purchasing the items." 2282 "purchase complete." 2283 "Not enough Cash to purchase." 2284 "Not enough space. Please check free space in your inventory." 2285 "Can't wear item." 2286 "Add to shopping cart?" 2287 "Delete from shopping cart?" 2288 "Website connection only available in windows mode." 2289 "W Coin" 2290 "Buy W Coin" 2291 "Price : " 2292 "Restore" 2293 "Purchase" 2294 "Gift" 2295 "http://muonline.webzen.com/" 2296 "%d%% Combination success rate increase" 2297 "Warp Command Window available." 2298 "Day" 2299 "Hour" 2300 "Minute" 2301 "Second" 2302 "Available" 2303 "Preparing." 2304 "Fail to use MU Item Shop. Please contact CS team." 2305 "Error Code :" 2306 "More than 2 X 4 space in inventory is needed." 2307 "MU Item Shop Item can't be sold to merchant NPC." 2308 "Less than 1 minutes" 2309 "When leaving an Item in the combination window" 2310 "and disconnect MU" 2311 "Item can be lost." 2312 "Please contact CS team when an Item is lost." 2319 "PC cafe point (%d/%d)" 2320 "%d point achieved" 2321 "You cannot achieve any more point." 2322 "You do not have sufficient points." 2323 "GM has gifted this special box." 2324 "GM summon zone" 2325 "PC cafe point store" 2326 "Point" 2327 "PC cafe point store allows you to only purchase the objects." 2328 "Seals applicable immediately after the purchase." 2329 "Items cannot be sold here." 2330 "You can only use this in a safe zone." 2331 "Purchase Price: %d Points" 2332 "Relocation to Valley of Loren makes all character to lose their effects and close." 2333 "Check purchase conditions." 2334 "Assembly prediction: %s" 2335 "380 Level item" 2336 "Equipment item" 2337 "Weapon item" 2338 "Defense item" 2339 "Basic wing" 2340 "Chaos weapon" 2341 "Minimum" 2342 "Maximum" 2343 "Option" 2344 "Rate increase" 2345 "Quantity" 2346 "Please upload the assembly items." 2347 "from above the level %d, %s enabled and on." 2348 "2nd Wing" 2358 "Do you wish to go to the Illusion Temple?" 2359 "We have entered the heart of the Illusion Temple. The sacred items of this temple are our ultimate goal. Move as many sacred items as you can to our storage. The brave one will certainly be compensated" 2360 "The allies are advancing on. We are not far from the victory! Charge on!" 2361 "Although we have lost this battle, we will continue on until the allies win!" 2362 "Listen to this. The allies have approached the entrance of this temple. We must fight with all our might and keep the temple from them so that we may secure the sacred items as they are." 2363 "Hooray for the Illusion Sorcery! We are almost there! Come to the frontier now!" 2364 "You must not lose the temple. Let us prepare for the battle to secure this temple." 2365 "You need the Scroll of Blood to enter the %s zone." 2366 "You must be of the minimum level 220 to enter the zone." 2367 "The admission and scroll levels do not match." 2368 "You cannot enter the zone with the number of members exceeding the limit." 2369 "Illusion Temple" 2370 "The %d Illusion Temple" 2371 "Level %d-%d" 2372 "Remaining time: %d hour %d min" 2373 "Current members: %d" 2374 "/" 2375 "Maximum members: %d" 2376 "Scroll of Blood +%d" 2377 "Achieved Kill Point" 2378 "Required Kill Point" 2379 "Absorb damage with the protection shield." 2380 "Mobility disabled." 2381 "Relocate to the character that carries the sacred item." 2382 "Shield gage reduced of 50%%." 2383 "Entered the zone %s." 2384 "Advance to the temple after %d seconds." 2385 "The battle begins in a few moment." 2386 "Battle begins in %d seconds." 2387 "MU alliance" 2388 "Illusion Sorcery" 2389 "Successful sacred item storage: %d points achieved" 2390 "%s has achieved the sacred item." 2391 "Kill Point %d achieved." 2392 "Kill Point isn't sufficient." 2393 "Battle closed." 2394 "Talk with the chief commander of alliance and you'll be compensated." 2395 "Talk with the chief commander of Illusion Sorcery and you'll be compensated." 2396 "Scroll of Blood" 2397 "Assemble the Scroll of Blood with the contract from the Illusion Sorcery." 2398 "Assemble the Scroll of Blood with the old scrolls." 2399 "This is a mark of Illusion Sorcery; this is required to enter the temple." 2400 "" 2401 "The stone statue appears randomly from one of the two locations." 2402 "The sacred item may be achieved by clicking on the stone statue." 2403 "Be cautious of the fact that the mobility slows down while carrying the sacred items." 2404 "" 2405 "Click on the storage of the sacred item from the start location; and you will gain the points accordingly." 2406 "The goal is to achieve as many points as possible within the given period." 2407 "The stone statue reappears after the storage. Look for the statue." 2408 "" 2409 "You may achieve the kill points from hunting monsters and the opponent players in their zone." 2410 "Mouse wheel button ? change skill types, Shift + mouse right-click ? use" 2411 "There are 4 types of skills that can be appropriately used for each situation." 2412 "Entrance enabled." 2413 "Entrance disabled." 2414 "Hero List" 2415 "Camp" 2416 "You may be compensated by clicking on the Close button." 2417 "You are current gaining the sacred item." 2418 "You are currently storing the sacred item." 2419 "This is the origin of strength that protects the Illusion Temple." 2420 "Mobility speed reduces upon achievement." 2421 " " 2422 "0:30 Blood Castle 12:30 Blood Castle" 2423 "1:00 Illusion Temple 13:00 Illusion Temple" 2424 "1:30 - 13:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2425 "2:00 - 14:00 Chaos Castle" 2426 "2:30 Blood Castle 14:30 Blood Castle" 2427 "3:00 Devil's Square 15:00 Devil's Square" 2428 "3:30 - 15:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2429 "4:00 - 16:00 Chaos Castle" 2430 "4:30 Blood Castle 16:30 Blood Castle" 2431 "5:00 Illusion Temple 17:00 Illusion Temple" 2432 "5:30 - 17:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2433 "6:00 - 18:00 Chaos Castle" 2434 "6:30 Blood Castle 18:30 Blood Castle" 2435 "7:00 Devil's Square 19:00 Devil's Square" 2436 "7:30 - 19:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2437 "8:00 - 20:00 Chaos Castle" 2438 "8:30 Blood Castle 20:30 Blood Castle" 2439 "9:00 Illusion Temple 21:00 Illusion Temple" 2440 "9:30 - 21:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2441 "10:00 - 22:00 Chaos Castle" 2442 "10:30 Blood Castle 22:30 Blood Castle" 2443 "11:00 Devil's Square 23:00 Devil's Square" 2444 "11:30 - 23:30 Chaos Castle(PC)" 2445 "12:00 Chaos Castle 24:00 -" 2446 " << Chaos Castle >> << Devil's Square >>" 2447 "Regular Level 2nd Regular Level 2nd" 2448 " 1 15-49 15-29 1 15-130 10-110" 2449 " 2 50-119 30-99 2 131-180 111-160" 2450 " 3 120-179 100-159 3 181-230 161-210" 2451 " 4 180-239 160-219 4 231-280 211-260" 2452 " 5 240-299 220-279 5 281-330 261-310" 2453 " 6 300-400 280-400 6 331-400 311-400" 2454 " 7 Master Master 7 Master Master" 2455 " << Blood Castle >> << Illusion Temple >>" 2456 "Regular Level 2nd Regular Level 2nd" 2457 " 1 15-80 10-60 1 220-270" 2458 " 2 81-130 61-110 2 271-320" 2459 " 3 131-180 111-160 3 321-350" 2460 " 4 181-230 161-210 4 351-380" 2461 " 5 231-280 211-260 5 381-400" 2462 " 6 281-330 261-310 6 Master" 2463 " 7 331-400 311-400" 2464 " 8 Master Master" 2500 "Restores HP by 100%% immediately." 2501 "Restores Mana by 100%% immediately." 2502 "You may continue to use the strengthener power." 2503 "Increases Attack Speed by %d" 2504 "Increases Defense by %d" 2505 "Increases Attack Power by %d" 2506 "Increases Wizardry by %d" 2507 "Increases HP by %d" 2508 "Increases Mana by %d" 2509 "You may freely move onward." 2510 "Resets the status." 2511 "Reset point: %d" 2512 "Strength increment +%d" 2513 "Quickness increment +%d" 2514 "stamina increment +%d" 2515 "Energy increment +%d" 2516 "Control increment +%d" 2517 "Status for the set period" 2518 "There's an increase effect to it." 2519 "It reduces the killing rate." 2520 "Reduction point: %d" 2521 "There isn't enough status to reset." 2522 "There isn't a usable controllability status." 2523 "%s Status has been reset at %d." 2524 "This is more than the value of your resettable points." 2525 "Would you like to reset? " 2526 "You cannot purchase while the seal effects remain active." 2527 "You cannot purchase while the scroll effects remain active." 2528 "Effects in use will disappear once you apply this item." 2529 "Would you like to apply this item?" 2530 " You cannot use this item while the Potion effects remain active." 2531 "This item is not purchasable." 2532 "Attack power increment +40" 2533 "Duration period: %s" 2534 "Collect Cherry Blossoms and take it to the spirit for item compensation." 2538 "You'll be compensated for the Cherry Blossoms branches you bring back." 2539 "You do not have the right quantity of Cherry Blossoms branches." 2540 "Only the same type of Cherry Blossoms branches can be uploaded." 2541 "Exchange the Cherry Blossoms branches." 2544 "Golden Cherry Blossoms branches" 2545 "Cherry Blossoms branches production" 2549 "700 Maximum Mana increment" 2550 "700 Maximum Life increment" 2559 "Restores HP by 65%% immediately." 2560 "Cherry Blossoms branches assembly" 2561 "Close the store in usage." 2562 "Store cannot open during the assembly." 2563 "Spirit of Cherry Blossoms" 2564 "Reward for Every 255 Pieces" 2565 "255 Golden Cherry Blossom Branches" 2566 "Master Level EXP cannot be achieved during the item usage." 2567 "Not applicable to" 2568 "Master Level Characters." 2569 "Automatic Life Recover increment %d%%" 2570 "EXP achievement and the automatic life recovery rate increases." 2571 "Automatic Mana recovery increment in %d%% rate" 2572 "Item achievement and the automatic Mana recovery increases onward." 2573 "Minimum +10 - +15 level item upgrade" 2574 "blocks the item dissipation." 2575 "Increases Attack Power and Wizardry by 40%%" 2576 "Increases Attack Speed by 10" 2577 "Alleviates monster's damage by 30%%" 2578 "Increases Maximum Life by 50" 2579 "Maximum Mana +50" 2580 "Increases Critical Damage by 20%%" 2581 "Increses Excellent Damage by 20%%" 2582 "Carrier " 2583 "The monsters have intruded into the MU world to attack Santa." 2584 "You are selected as the %d visitor. Congratulations." 2585 "Welcome to Santa's Village. Please come claim your gift." 2586 "Would you like to return to Devias?" 2587 "You can click only once." 2588 "Welcome to Santa's Village. Here's a gift for you. You will always find something to bring you a fortune here." 2589 "Relocate to the Santa's Village by the right-mouse click." 2590 "Would you like to move to the Santa's Village?" 2591 "The attack and defense power have increased." 2592 "Maximum Life has been increased of %d." 2593 "Maximum Mana has increased of %d." 2594 "Attack power has increased of %d." 2595 "Defense has increased of %d." 2596 "Health has been recovered of 100%%." 2597 "Mana has been recovered of 100%%." 2598 "Attack speed has increased of %d." 2599 "AG recovery speed has increased of %d." 2600 "Surrounding Zens are automatically collected." 2601 "You may turn into a snowman if applied." 2602 "Remember the location of one's death." 2603 "Move by a right-mouse-click." 2604 "Save the application location." 2605 "Saves the location with the right-mouse-click." 2606 "Returns to the saved location by a click." 2607 "Would you like to save the location?" 2608 "You cannot use the item at certain applicable locations." 2609 "Would you like to save the location?" 2610 "This item cannot be used along with an item that's already in use." 2611 "Santa's village" 2612 "Not applicable to Master level." 2613 "Only characters who are level 15 or above may enter Santa's Village." 2614 "Character names must start with a capital letter. Maximum length is 10 characters." 2620 "/Party battle request" 2621 "/Party battle cancellation" 2622 "%s has accepted your request for party battle." 2623 "%s has rejected your request for party battle." 2624 "Party battle has been cancelled." 2625 "You cannot request another battle during the party battle." 2626 "You have a request for the party battle." 2627 "Would you like to accept the party battle?" 2640 "Fire" 2641 "Water" 2642 "Ice" 2643 "Wind" 2644 "Lightning" 2645 "Earth" 2646 "Unique" 2650 "Socket" 2651 "Socket option" 2652 "No item application" 2653 "Element: %s" 2654 "Level: %d" 2655 "Socket %d: %s" 2656 "Bonus socket option" 2657 "Socket package option" 2660 "Extraction" 2661 "Assembly" 2662 "Application" 2663 "Destruction" 2664 "Seed Extraction" 2665 "Seed Sphere Assembly" 2666 "Seed Master" 2667 "Extract the seed or the seed sphere" 2668 "You may assembly them together." 2669 "Seed sphere application" 2670 "Seed sphere destruction" 2671 "Seed researcher" 2672 "Either apply the seed sphere" 2673 "or destroy the seed sphere accordingly." 2674 "Select applicable socket" 2675 "Select destructible socket" 2676 "You must select the socket." 2677 "It's already applied on the character." 2678 "You must select the destructible socket." 2679 "There are no destructible seed spheres." 2680 "Seed" 2681 "Sphere" 2682 "Seed Sphere" 2683 "You cannot apply the same type of Sphere." 2684 "fire, ice, lightning" 2685 "water, wind, earth" 2686 "Vulcanus" 2687 "%s is now invited to duel." 2688 "Duel Start!!" 2689 "Duel Finished. You will be warped back to the viallage in %d seconds." 2690 "Duel Invite" 2691 "Invite %s to duel." 2692 "Colosseum is occupied." 2693 "Try it again later" 2694 "Duel Finished" 2695 "%s has just won" 2696 "the duel with %s." 2697 " " 2698 "Doorkeeper Titus" 2699 "Select an Colosseum you'd like to watch." 2700 "Colosseum # %d" 2701 "Watch" 2702 "Duel Finished" 2703 "Colosseum" 2704 "Open only for level %d or higher." 2705 "No duel on." 2706 "Not available" 2707 "Too many people in the colossum." 2708 "+10~+15 When upgrading level item please put it in combination window." 2709 "item/skill/luck/option will be randomly added." 2714 "Exp and item will be secured when character dies." 2715 "Item durability will not be decrease for a certain period." 2716 "Applicable to mountable items only besides pet." 2717 "Increases your luck to create wing of your wish." 2718 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Satan." 2719 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Dragon." 2720 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Heaven." 2721 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Soul." 2722 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Elf." 2723 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Spirits." 2724 "Increases your luck to create Wing of Curse." 2725 "Increases your luck to create Wing of Despair." 2726 "Increases your luck to create Wings of Darkness." 2727 "Increases your luck to create Cape of Emperor." 2728 "Only increases Master level exp." 2729 "No penalty for dying." 2730 "Keeps item durable" 2731 "Select to move." 2732 "Talisman of Wings of Satan" 2733 "Talisman of Wings of Heaven" 2734 "Talisman of Wings of Elf" 2735 "Talisman of Wing of Curse" 2736 "Talisman of Cape of Emperor" 2737 "Talisman of Wings of Dragon" 2738 "Talisman of Wings of Soul" 2739 "Talisman of Wings of Spirits" 2740 "Talisman of Wing of Despair" 2741 "Talisman of Wings of Darkness" 2742 "Attack rate and defense rate increase." 2743 "Transform into Panda." 2744 "Zen increase 50%% " 2745 "Damage/Wizardry/Curse +30" 2746 "Auto-collects zen around you." 2747 "EXP rate 50%% increase" 2748 "Increase Defensive Skill +50" 2756 "Lugard" 2757 "Only those in possession of a Mirror of Dimensions" 2758 "may pass through the Doppelganger gate." 2759 "Will you show me your mirror?" 2760 "Mirror of Dimensions" 2761 "Entry Time" 2762 "Enter after %d minutes" 2763 "3 monsters reaching the magic circle," 2764 "the character dying, the server disconnecting, or using the warp command" 2765 "will result in Doppelganger defense failure." 2766 "Doppelganger defense failed." 2767 "You failed to fend off monsters and" 2768 "allowed them to reach the point line." 2769 "Congratulations!" 2770 "You've successfully defended Doppelganger." 2771 "Rewarded Exp: %d" 2772 "Monsters Passed: ( %d/%d )" 2773 "It's a sign infused with traces of dimensions." 2774 "Collect five and the signs will automatically" 2775 "transform into a Mirror of Dimensions." 2776 "You need %d more to create a Mirror of Dimensions." 2777 "That's the only thing that will get Lugard to help you" 2778 "enter the Doppelganger area." 2779 "Only those in possession of a Mirror of Dimensions may enter." 2783 "Gaion's Order" 2784 "It contains Gaion's plans for the destruction of the empire" 2785 "and orders for the Empire Guardians." 2786 "You may enter the Fortress of Empire Guardians." 2787 "Suspicious Scrap of Paper" 2788 "It's a worn piece of paper containing incomprehensible text." 2789 "No. %d Secromicon Fragment" 2790 "It's part of a Complete Secromicon." 2791 "Complete Secromicon" 2792 "Indestructible Metal Secromicon" 2793 "Contains information about Grand Wizard Etramu Lenos' research." 2794 "Jerint the Assistant" 2795 "Without Gaion's Order," 2796 "you cannot enter the Fortress of Empire Guardians." 2797 "Will you show me the order?" 2798 "Entry Time: " 2799 "Enter after %d minutes" 2800 "You may enter now." 2801 "Fortress of Empire Guardians Round %d" 2802 "has been cleared." 2803 "You have failed to conquer the" 2804 "Fortress of Empire Guardians." 2805 "Round %d (Zone %d)" 2806 "Varka" 2809 "Requirements" 2810 "Reward" 2811 "OK" 2812 "Minimum" 2813 "Up to" 2814 "You've successfully completed the quest." 2816 "You have reached your Zen limit." 2817 "If you give up, you will not be able to continue with this or any related quests. Do you really want to give up?" 2818 "You gave up on the quest." 2819 "Open Character Stats (C) Window" 2820 "Open Inventory (I/V) Window" 2821 "Change Class" 2822 "Start Quest" 2823 "Give Up Quest" 2824 "Castle/Temple" 2825 "There are no active quests." 2831 "You do not have the quest item necessary to enter." 2832 "You've cleared zone %d. Move on to the next zone." 2833 "There are too many players, and you cannot enter." 2834 "There is still time remaining in this zone." 2835 "The round 7 map (Sunday) can only" 2836 "be accessed if you have a" 2837 "Complete Secromicon." 2838 "You can only enter as a member of a party." 2839 "Quest Item Missing" 2840 "Zone Cleared" 2841 "Capacity Exceeded" 2842 "There is still time remaining in this zone." 2843 "You can only enter as a member of a party." 2844 "Standby Time" 2845 "Remaining Monsters" 2855 "Register 255 Lucky Coins during the event" 2856 "for a chance to get" 2857 "the Absolute Weapon." 2858 "Please check the web page for the event details." 2859 "You can only apply once per your account." 2860 "Entrance to Doppelganger will close in %d seconds." 2861 "Doppelganger will begin in %d seconds." 2862 "%d seconds left to eliminate Ice Walker." 2863 "%d seconds left until the end of Doppelganger." 2864 "Battle has already commenced. You cannot enter." 2865 "You cannot enter if you are a 1st Stage Outlaw." 2866 "Dueling is not possible in this area." 2867 "Fatigue Level" 2868 "Your Fatigue Level does not diminish, and you do not incur a Fatigue Level penalty." 2869 "You have incurred a Fatigue Level 1 penalty due to prolonged playing time. EXP gain has reduced to 50%. Item drop rate has reduced to 50%." 2870 "You have incurred a Fatigue Level 2 penalty due to prolonged playing time. EXP gain has reduced to 50%. Item drop rate has reduced to 0%." 2871 "The Minimum Vitality potion has negated the Fatigue Level penalty." 2872 "The Low Vitality potion has negated the Fatigue Level penalty." 2873 "The Medium Vitality potion has negated the Fatigue Level penalty." 2874 "The High Vitality potion has negated the Fatigue Level penalty." 2875 "You can do a Goblin combination with a Sealed Golden Box to create a Golden Box." 2876 "You can do a Goblin combination with a Sealed Silver Box to create a Silver Box." 2877 "You can do a Goblin combination with a Gold Key to create a Golden Box." 2878 "You can do a Goblin combination with a Silver Key to create a Silver Box." 2879 "You can drop it with a fixed probability of it turning into a rare item." 2880 "You can drop it with a fixed probability of it turning into a rare item." 2881 "Golden Box" 2882 "Silver Box" 2883 "My W Coin : %s" 2884 "Goblin Points : %s" 2885 "Bonus Points : %s" 2886 "Buy" 2887 "Use" 2888 "Storage" 2889 "Gift Inventory" 2890 "Shop" 2891 "Buy" 2892 "Gift" 2894 "Purchase Restriction" 2895 "This item is not for sale." 2896 "Purchase Confirmation" 2897 "Do you wish to buy the following item(s)?" 2898 "Bought items used or taken out of storage cannot be returned." 2900 "Purchase Completed" 2901 "Your purchase has been made." 2902 "Purchase Failed" 2903 "You do not have enough W Coin or points." 2904 "You do not have enough space in storage." 2905 "Gift Restriction" 2906 "This item cannot be sent as a gift." 2907 "Gift Confirmation" 2908 "Do you want to gift the following item(s)?" 2909 "Bought items used or taken out of storage cannot be returned." 2910 "Gift Delivered" 2911 "Your gift has been delivered." 2912 "Gift Delivery Failed" 2913 "You do not have enough cash." 2914 "The recipient's storage is full." 2915 "Cannot find the recipient." 2916 "Send Gift Items" 2917 "Item: %s" 2918 "Recipient's Character Name:" 2919 "" 2920 "Gifted items cannot be returned. Deliver the gift(s)?" 2921 "%d sent you a gift." 2922 "Use Confirmation" 2923 "Do you wish to use %s?##*With the exception of seals and scrolls, all items will be transferred to your Inventory.##Items removed from storage or gift inventory cannot be recovered or returned." 2924 "Item Used" 2925 "The item has been used." 2926 "Unable to Use" 2927 "This item cannot be used in the game.#Please use the Mu Online website." 2928 "Failed to Use" 2929 "Not enough space in the Inventory.#Please try again." 2930 "Delete Item" 2931 "This will delete the selected item.##Deleted items cannot be recovered or returned. Delete the item?" 2932 "Delete" 2933 "Item Deleted" 2934 "The item has been deleted." 2935 "Failed to Delete" 2936 "This item cannot be deleted." 2937 "Restricted Function" 2938 "This function is not supported in the MU Item Shop.##Please use the MU Online website." 2939 "Send W Coin" 2940 "Recharge W Coin" 2941 "Update Information" 2942 "Delete Item" 2943 "error1" 2944 "The item cannot be found or you chose a wrong item. Please restart the game." 2945 "error2" 2946 "The item cannot be found." 2951 "Item Name" 2952 "Duration" 2953 "Database access failed." 2954 "A database error has occurred." 2955 "You've reached your maximum gift limit." 2956 "This item has sold out." 2957 "This item is not currently available." 2958 "This item is no longer available." 2959 "This item cannot be sent as a gift." 2960 "This event item cannot be sent as a gift." 2961 "You've exceeded the number of event item gifts allowed." 2962 "[Use Storage] does not exist." 2963 "You can receive this item only from a PC cafe." 2964 "An active Color Plan exists in the selected period." 2965 "An active Personal Fixed Plan exists in the selected period." 2966 "There has been an error." 2967 "A database access error has occurred." 2968 "Increase Max. AG + Level" 2969 "Increase Max. SD + Levelx10" 2970 "Up to %d%% EXP gain increase, depending on the number of members in your party." 2971 "You can acquire Goblin Points by using the MU Item Shop's storage." 2972 "It's a box containing various items." 2973 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 30 days.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2974 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 90 days.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2975 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 30 days. If refunded, you will receive an amount that excludes the point price.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2976 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 90 days. If refunded, you will receive an amount that excludes the point price.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2977 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 3 hours over 60 days following storage use.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2978 "An item that lets you enjoy MU for 5 hours over 60 days following storage use.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2979 "An item that lets you enjoy Mu for 10 hours over 60 days following storage use.\nCan only be used from the Mu Online website." 2980 "Resets the entire Master Skill Tree once.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2981 "Lets you adjust the character's stats by 500 points.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2982 "Lets you transfer a character to another account within the same server.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2983 "Lets you rename the character.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2984 "Lets you transfer a character to another server within the same account.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2985 "Allows you to request a character transfer once and character name change once.\nCan only be used from the MU Online website." 2986 "Gain Contribution: %u" 2987 "(Battle)" 2988 "Zone" 2989 "The Command window cannot be activated in Battle Zone." 2990 "You cannot form a party with a member of the opposing gens." 2991 "The alliance master has not joined the gens." 2992 "The guild master has not joined the gens." 2993 "You are with a different gens than the alliance master." 2994 "Contribution: %lu" 2995 "The guild master is with a different gens." 2996 "You must belong to the same gens as the guild master in order to join the guild." 2997 "You cannot form a party within a Battle Zone." 2998 "Parties are not activated within a Battle Zone." 2999 "Fee: 5,000 Zens" 3000 "Julia" 3001 "Christine" 3002 "Raul" 3003 "If you go to the market in Lorencia," 3004 "you'll find many items you need" 3005 "available for purchase." 3006 "If you have items you want to sell," 3007 "you can sell them" 3008 "at the market." 3009 "Would you like to go to the market?" 3010 "Will you be going back to town now?" 3011 "Have another great day" 3012 "and stay positive at all times!" 3013 "Would you like to go to town?" 3014 "You cannot enter Chaos Castle" 3015 "from the market in Lorencia." 3016 "Warp" 3017 "Loren Market" 3018 "Boosts the item drop rate." 3022 "Runedil" 3023 "The Elf queen who battled by the side of Muren. She has long protected Noria from Secrarium and Kundun." 3024 "Balgass" 3025 "The head of the Evil Army, who was summoned by Kundun after entering into an agreement with the queen of sorcery to capture Fortress of Crywolf." 3026 "Lemuria (New)" 3027 "The wizard who brought down Elve. The wizard will seduce Antonias to resurrect Kundun and cause the second Demogorgon Wars." 3028 "Error" 3029 "MU Item Shop information download failed!##Please reconnect to the game.#Version %d.%d.%d#%s" 3030 "Banner download failed!##Version %d.%d.%d#%s" 3031 "Gift recipient's ID is missing." 3032 "You cannot send a gift to yourself." 3033 "There is no usable item." 3034 "There is no deletable item." 3035 "Cannot open MU Item Shop.#Please reconnect to the game." 3036 "Cannot use the selected item." 3037 "Item: %s" 3038 "Price: %s" 3039 "Duration: %s" 3040 "Quantity: %s" 3041 "It's a gift from %s." 3042 "%d Pieces" 3043 "%s W Coin" 3044 "%d W Coin" 3045 "Quantity: %d / Duration: %s" 3046 "Buff Item Use Confirmation" 3047 "Using the %s item will negate the current %s buff.##Would you like to use the %s item anyway?" 3048 "Gift Info Window" 3049 "Item Info Window" 3050 "W Coin: %s Coins" 3051 "You can only open MU Item Shop in a town or safe zone." 3052 "This item cannot be bought." 3053 "Event items cannot be bought." 3054 "You've exceeded the maximum number of times you can purchase event items." 3055 "Map (Tab)" 3056 "Because you can only use this item once, you cannot buy it." 3057 "Doppelganger" 3058 "Increases Max Mana 4%%" 3059 "PC Cafe Bonus" 3060 " EXP 10%% Increase/ PC Cafe Chaos Castle Access/ Open Access to Kalima/ Goblin Point Increase" 3061 " EXP 10%% Increase/ PC Cafe Chaos Castle Access / Open Access to Kalima/ Goblin Point Increase/ Warp Command Window Use/ Stamina System not applied" 3062 " PC Cafe" 3063 "You cannot engage in duels while in Loren Market." 3064 "You cannot ask others to join your party while in Loren Market." 3065 "Equip to transform into a Skeleton Warrior." 3066 "Damage/Wizardry/Curse +40" 3067 "Equipping along with a Pet Skeleton" 3068 "increases Damage, Wizardry and Curse by 20%%" 3069 "Increases Attack Speed by 10" 3070 "and EXP by 30%%." 3071 "Equipping along with a Skeleton Transformation Ring" 3072 "increases EXP by 30%%." 3074 "Chaos Castle Lv.%lu Guardsman x %lu/%lu" 3075 "Chaos Castle Lv.%lu Player x %lu/%lu" 3076 "Chaos Castle Lv.%lu Cleared" 3077 "Blood Castle Lv.%lu Gate Destruction x %lu/%lu" 3078 "Blood Castle Lv.%lu Cleared" 3079 "Devil Square Lv.%lu Point x %lu/%lu" 3080 "Devil Square Lv.%lu Cleared" 3081 "Illusion Temple Lv.%lu Cleared" 3082 "Random Reward (%lu different kinds)" 3083 "Lucky number registration period" 3084 "Right click to use." 3086 "+14 Item Creation" 3087 "+15 Item Creation" 3088 "Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring" 3089 "Cannot be equipped while another Transformation Ring is equipped." 3090 "Gens Info Window" 3091 "Gens" 3092 "Duprian" 3093 "Vanert" 3094 "You have not joined a gens." 3095 "Level:" 3096 "Gain Contribution" 3097 "The amount of contribution needed for promotion to the next rank is %d." 3098 "Gens Ranking" 3099 "%s" 3100 "Gens Description" 3101 "Gens ranking rewards are given out with the patch in the first week of each month." 3102 "Gens ranking rewards can be claimed from the gens steward NPC.## Gens rewards will automatically disappear if not claimed within a week." 3103 "Gens Info (B)" 3104 "Grand Duke#Duke#Marquis#Count#Viscount#Baron#Knight Commander#Superior Knight#Knight#Guard Prefect#Officer#Lieutenant#Sergeant#Private" 3105 "Can enter the Monday - Saturday map." 3106 "Can enter the Sunday map." 3107 "Varka Map 7" 3108 "We recommend you use a one-time password, which is safer." 3109 "Would you like to register a one-time password now?" 3110 "Enter your one-time password." 3111 "The one-time password does not match." 3112 "Please check again." 3113 "The information is not correct." 3114 "Cancel" 3115 "Dark Lord use only." 3116 "You can enter to Gold Channel." 3117 "The game client is loaded only through the offical Website. Closing the application please try again." 3118 "Please purchase 'gold channel ticket' to enter." 3119 "Your gold channel ticket is valid for next %d minutes." 3120 "A same type item is already in use. Cancel that item and then try again." 3121 "Figurine item" 3122 "Charm item" 3123 "Relic item" 3124 "Right click on your inventory to use." 3125 "Excellent Damage increase +%d%%" 3126 "Item Drop Rate increase +%d%%" 3127 "7 Days until Expiration" 3128 "You cannot purchase this item more than once." 3129 "Please repurchase after expiration." 3130 "[%s-%d(Gold PvP) Server]" 3131 "[%s-%d(Gold) Server]" 3132 "Maximum HP increase +%d" 3133 "Maximum SP increase +%d" 3134 "Maximum MP increase +%d" 3135 "Maximum AG increase +%d" 3136 "Guardian: %d" 3137 "Chaos: %d" 3138 "Honor: %d" 3139 "Trust: %d" 3140 "EXP gain 100%%" 3141 "Item Drop 100%%" 3142 "Stamina will not decrease temporarily." 3143 "(in use)" 3144 "W Coin(P)" 3145 "Battle Pass Point : %s" 3146 "You need more %%s to purchase this item." 3147 "Cannot apply in Battle Zone." 3148 "Exceeded maximum amount of Zen you can possess." 3149 "You cannot join the gens while you're in a guild alliance." 3150 "Rage Fighter" 3151 "Fist Master" 3152 "Legitimate bearers of the Karutan Royal Knights and martial artists of great physical strength. They also help other party memgers by casting subsidiary buffs." 3153 "Killing Blow (Mana: %d)" 3154 "Beast Uppercut (Mana: %d)" 3155 "Melee Damage: %d%%" 3156 "Divine Damage (Roar, Slasher): %d%%" 3157 "Damage (Dark Side): %d%%" 3158 "Phoenix Shot (Mana: %d)" 3159 "Volcan Ignis " 3160 " " 3161 " " 3162 " " 3163 " " 3164 " " 3165 " " 3166 " " 3167 " " 3168 " " 3169 " " 3170 " " 3171 " " 3172 " " 3173 " " 3174 " " 3175 " " 3176 " " 3177 " " 3178 " " 3179 " " 3180 " " 3181 " " 3182 " " 3183 " " 3184 " " 3185 " " 3186 " " 3187 " " 3188 " " 3189 " " 3190 " " 3191 " " 3192 " " 3193 " " 3194 " " 3195 " " 3196 " " 3197 " " 3198 " " 3199 " " 3200 " " 3201 " " 3202 " " 3203 " " 3204 " " 3205 " " 3206 " " 3207 " " 3208 " " 3209 " " 3210 " " 3211 " " 3212 " " 3213 " " 3214 " " 3215 " " 3216 " " 3217 " " 3218 " " 3219 " " 3220 " " 3221 " " 3222 " " 3223 " " 3224 " " 3225 " " 3226 " " 3227 " " 3228 " " 3229 " " 3230 " " 3231 " " 3232 " " 3233 " " 3234 " " 3235 " " 3236 " " 3237 " " 3238 " " 3239 " " 3240 " " 3241 " " 3242 " " 3243 " " 3244 " " 3245 " " 3246 " " 3247 " " 3248 " " 3249 "Finding a Client" 3250 "%s unit(s)" 3251 "%s won" 3252 "%s day(s)" 3253 "%s hour(s)" 3254 "%s min(s)" 3255 "%s point" 3256 "%s %%" 3257 "%s Service" 3258 "%s sec(s)" 3259 "%s Y/N" 3260 "%s other(s)" 3261 "%s point" 3262 "%s point/sec(s)" 3263 "ID does not exist." 3264 "You have selected an incorrect W Coin type. Please select again." 3265 "Expiration Day" 3266 "Expired Item" 3267 "Restores SD by 65%% immediately." 3268 "Click the item to see the quest information again." 3269 "Lv. 350 - 400" 3270 "Bring it to Tercia to get the deposit back." 3271 "You can obtain the powder from Queen Rainier." 3272 "A rare jewel possessed by Bloody Witch Queen." 3273 "A suit of armor Tantalos used to wear." 3274 "A mace Burnt Murderer used to carry." 3275 "Throw this item on the ground to get money or a weapon." 3276 "Throw this item on the ground to get money or an armor piece." 3277 "Throw this iem on the ground to get money, jewel, or a ticket." 3278 "Enemy Gens Member x %lu/%lu" 3279 "You cannot accept any more quest." 3280 "You can proceed maximum 10 quests " 3281 "at the same time." 3282 "You need to clear at least 1 quest to " 3283 "accept this one." 3284 "The same type seal is already in use." 3285 "Karutan" 3286 "You cannot use the Talisman of Chaos Assembly and Talisman of Luck together." 3287 "Can exchange with a Lucky item or refine it." 3288 "Exchange Lucky Item" 3289 "Refine Lucky Item" 3290 "Combine Lucky Item" 3291 "Place a Ticket item." 3292 "Only a Ticket item can be combined." 3293 "An item usable for the player character's class " 3294 "will be created." 3295 "If you are a Dark Wizard, exclusive item" 3296 "for Dark Wizard will be created." 3297 "Will be exchanged with an item usable for " 3298 "the player character." 3299 "Do you want to exchange?" 3300 "You can combine an exclusive Refining Stone" 3301 "by refining the Lucky Item." 3302 "Material used for combining will disappear." 3303 "Unequippble items cannot be combined." 3304 "Jewel used for reinforcing a Lucky Item." 3305 "Jewel used for repairing a Lucky Item." 3306 "Jewel cannot be used on durability 0 item (repair)." 3307 "You can combine or dissolve " 3308 "various jewels." 3309 "Select a jewel to combine." 3310 "Choose a 'number' button to combine." 3311 "Select a jewel to dissolve." 3312 "Jewel of Life" 3313 "Jewel of Creation" 3314 "Jewel of Guardian" 3315 "Jewel of Harmony" 3316 "Jewel of Chaos" 3317 "Lower Refining Stone" 3318 "Higher Refining Stone" 3319 "Are you sure you want to dissolve " 3320 "%s +%d?" 3321 "Gens Chat On/Off" 3322 "Open Expanded Inventory (K)" 3323 "Expanded Inventory" 3324 "You can't buy W coin while in full screen mode." 3325 "You lack %d points." 3326 "You can't raise any more levels." 3327 "You must meet all skill requirements." 3328 "# #Next Level:#" 3329 "# #Requirements:#" 3330 "Willpower: %d" 3331 "Determination: %d" 3332 "Destruction: %d" 3333 "Min & Max Wizardry Increase" 3334 "Min & Max Wizardry, Critical Damage Rate Increase" 3335 "EXP: %6.2f%%" 3336 "You need to wear the required equipment to level up this skill." 3338 "Open Expanded Vault (H)" 3339 "Expanded Vault" 3340 "Move to a closed channel?" 3341 "Insufficient space in the expanded inventory" 3342 "Insufficient space in the expanded vault" 3343 "You can use it after expanding it." 3344 "Adding a $ in front of text: Chat to Gens members" 3345 "F6: Normal Chat On/Off" 3346 "F7: Party Chat On/Off" 3347 "F8: Guild Chat On/Off" 3348 "F9: Gens Chat On/Off" 3349 "Please log in to game again to use the expanded inventory/vault." 3350 "Cannot be used any more." 3351 "Use this to expand your vault." 3352 "Use this to expand your inventory." 3353 "Use this and log in to game again to activate." 3354 "The number of skill points possessed does not conform to the number of points needed to reach the Master skill level. Please contact customer service." 3355 "Increases max HP by 6%%" 3356 "Decreases damage by 6%%" 3357 "Increases the amount of Zen received from killing monsters by 60%%" 3358 "Increases the chance of causing Excellent Damage by 15%%" 3359 "Increases attack speed by 10d" 3360 "Increases max Mana by 6%%" 3361 "You need a 5 person party to enter this area." 3362 "All party members must be of the same level for this area." 3363 "Players with an Outlaw or Killer status cannot enter this area." 3364 " << Doppelganger entry level >> " 3365 "Level#Basic#Advanced" 3366 "15#80#81#130#131#180#181#230#231#280#281#330#331#400" 3367 "10#60#61#110#111#160#161#210#211#260#261#310#311#400" 3368 "1#100#101#200" 3369 "Doppelganger will end because the competing party has not entered the event." 3370 "" 3371 "" 3372 "" 3373 "" 3374 "" 3400 "View Details" 3500 "Hunting" 3501 "Obtaining" 3502 "Setting" 3503 "Save Setting" 3504 "Initialization" 3505 "Add" 3506 "Delete" 3507 "Potion" 3508 "Long Distance Attack" 3509 "Original Position" 3510 "Delay" 3511 "Con" 3512 "Combo" 3513 "Buff Duration" 3514 "Use Dark Spirits" 3515 "Party" 3516 "Auto Heal" 3517 "Drain Life" 3518 "Repair Item" 3519 "Pick All Near Items" 3520 "Pick Selected Items" 3521 "Jewel/Gem" 3522 "Set Item" 3523 "Zen" 3524 "Excellent Item" 3525 "Add Extra Item" 3526 "Range" 3527 "Distance" 3528 "Min" 3529 "Basic Skill" 3530 "Activation Skill 1" 3531 "Activation Skill 2" 3532 "Range" 3533 "Cease Attack" 3534 "Auto Attack" 3535 "Attack Together" 3536 "Official MU Helper" 3537 "Used Extension function" 3538 "No Extension Function Being Used" 3539 "Preference of Party Heal" 3540 "Buff Duration for All Party Members" 3541 "Save setup" 3542 "Initialization" 3543 "Pre-con" 3544 "Sub-con" 3545 "Auto Potion" 3546 "Auto Heal" 3547 "HP Status" 3548 "Heal Support" 3549 "Buff Support" 3550 "HP Status of Party Members" 3551 "Time Space of Casting Buff" 3552 "Activation Skill" 3553 "Auto Recovery" 3554 "Party" 3555 "Monster Within Hunting range" 3556 "Monster Attacking Me" 3557 "More Than 2 Mobs" 3558 "More Than 3 Mobs" 3559 "More than 4 mobs" 3560 "More than 5 mobs" 3561 "Official MU Helper Setting" 3562 "Start Official MU Helper" 3563 "Stop Official MU Helper" 3564 "In the case of deregistering Basic skill and activation skill 1&2, combo skill can't be used." 3565 "In order to use Combo Skill, Basic Skill and Activation Skill should be registered first" 3566 "Delay and Condition Setting Menus Can't Be Available With Using Combo Skill." 3567 "Please Enter the Item Name for Addition" 3568 "Same name of the item exists in the list" 3569 "This skill was already registered. Registered Skill can be deregistered by clicking the right mouse button." 3570 "Selected Item can be added to maximum %d piece(s)" 3571 "The list of Add Selected Items is emptied" 3572 "There is no selected item" 3573 "Any characters under level %d can't run Official MU Helper." 3574 "Official MU Helper only runs in filed" 3575 "In order to run Official MU Helper, please close Inventory window" 3576 "In order to run Official MU Helper, please close MU Guide window" 3577 "In order to run Official MU Helper properly, please register skills (Except Fairy)" 3578 "Official MU Helper is running." 3579 "Official MU Helper is closed" 3580 "Official MU Helper Setting has been saved." 3581 "Official MU Helper can't be implemented in this region." 3582 "Certain amount of zen is spent every 5 minutes in implementing Official MU Helper" 3583 "Spent Time %d Minute(s)/" 3584 "Spent Time %d Minute(s)/ Spent Zen? %d Stage / Cost %d zen(s)" 3585 "Spent Time %d hour(s) %d Minute(s)/ Spent Zen %d Stage / Cost %d zen(s)" 3586 "%d zen(s) have been spent in implementing Official MU Helper" 3587 "Zen is not sufficient to run Official MU Helper" 3588 "In order to run Official MU Helper, please install Add-on first" 3589 "Official MU Helper is closed due to the excess of %d hour(s) " 3590 "Other Settings" 3591 "Auto accept - Friend" 3592 "Auto accept - Guild Member" 3593 "PVP Counterattack" 3594 "Use Elite Mana Potion" 3595 "Unable to use if you have not spent points on your master skill tree. " 3596 "The master skill point will reset. " 3597 "Do you want to reset?" 3598 "The first tree" 3599 "" 3600 "The game will restart after reset!" 3601 "The second tree" 3602 " " 3603 "The third tree" 3604 "" 3605 "Reset all master skill trees" 3606 "Help is active" 3750 "Warning" 3751 "Unable to recover when you delete the character! Characters cannot be recovered after they are deleted" 3752 "(normal items and paid item cannot be recovered)" 3753 "You are unable to apply the same buff or seal if there is more than 6 hours remaining." 3754 "The client file is damaged. Please reinstall the client. " 3755 "Create Wings of Satan" 3756 "Create Wings of Haven" 3757 "Create Wings of Elf" 3758 "Create Wings of Curse" 3759 "Create Cape of Lord" 3760 "Create Wings of Dragon" 3761 "Create Wings of Soul" 3762 "Create Wings of Spirit" 3763 "Create Wings of Despair" 3764 "Create Wings of Darkness" 3765 "Create Cloak of Warrior" 3766 "Create Gold Fenrir" 3767 "Create Spirit of Guardian" 3768 "Create Demon" 3769 "Cape of Emperor" 3770 "Wings of Storm" 3771 "Wings of Eternal" 3772 "Wings of Illusion" 3773 "Wings of Ruin" 3774 "Wings of Dimension" 3775 "Cloak of Overrule" 3810 "Volcan Ignis" 3811 "Swamp of Darkness" 3812 "Nixies Lake" 3813 "Ferea" 3814 "Nars" 3815 "Kubera Mine" 3816 "Uruk Mountain" 3817 "Acheron" 3818 "Debenter" 3819 "Deep Dungeon" 3820 "Acheron Event" 3821 "Atlans Abyss" 3822 "Scotch Canyon" 3823 "Gray Aida" 3824 "Temple of Arnil" 3825 "Old Kethotum" 3830 "E-Mail" 3831 "Personal Code" 3832 "Captcha Code" 3833 "Register" 3834 "Cancel" 3835 "Please enter the captcha!" 3836 "Captcha code is not correct!" 3837 "Username already registered" 3838 "Account Registration Successfully" 3839 "The account creation system is temporarily unavailable" 3840 "Unknown error" end